第17课:没礼貌的 - 4


A: Get over here now. I’m not going to ask you again.
B: What a discourteous way to ask me to come over. Do you always speak that way?

A: 过来!我不会再叫你了。
B: 你就这样叫我过来太没有礼貌了吧!你总是这么说话吗?


A: Look at that girl eating with her hands. And she has food all over her face!
B: I know. She is beautiful but her manners prove that she is ill-bred.

A: 看那个用手抓饭的女孩,她吃得满脸都是!
B: 看见了,她长得挺漂亮,不过从她的举止来看她没有什么教养。


discourteous: 不礼貌的,失礼的;粗野的。
come over: 过来,走过来。
ill-bred: 没有教养的;粗鲁的。
prove: 证明,表明。