China's top actress, who stars in the upcoming "X-Men: Days of Future Past," was named International Artist of the Year.

Chinese actress Fan Bingbing didn't let wet weather dampen her spirits at a cocktail party in her honor hosted by The Hollywood Reporter, Jimmy Choo and Mouton Cadet at the Martinez hotel, where the star and global style icon was presented with THR's first ever International Artist of the Year award. The event, originally planned for the Mouton Cadet Wine Bar atop the Palais des Festivals, was moved indoors due to the heavy rain that plagued Cannes all of Saturday.
潮湿的天气丝毫没有影响到中国女星范冰冰的熠熠神采。(北京时间5月19日凌晨,)范冰冰出席了由《好莱坞报道》、世界名牌Jimmy Choo和世界名酒木桐嘉棣在马丁内斯酒店为其特别举办的庆祝酒会上。范冰冰,这位演艺界明星兼国际时尚偶像,成为了“年度最佳国际艺人奖”的首位获得者。这场盛典原本计划在戛纳展览中心之上的木桐嘉棣酒吧举行,但是由于戛纳周六下了一整天的大雨,不得不迁移到了室内。

The private event, co-hosted by THR editorial director Janice Min, publisher Lynne Segall and CEO Pierre Denis of Jimmy Choo, honored Fan, who is slated to co-star in Bryan Singer's X Men: Days of Future Past and Skiptrace with Jackie Chan, with the award, which recognizes a rising global celebrity whose work has the power to affect entertainment around the world.
这个私人庆典由《好莱坞报道》编辑总监贾妮思·闵、出版商林恩西格尔以及世界名牌Jimmy Choo的CEO皮埃尔丹尼斯联合举办,为了向范冰冰授予“年度最佳国际艺人奖”。范冰冰参演了布莱恩·辛格的《X战警前传2:未来昔日》,并和成龙一起出演了《绝地逃亡》。“年度最佳国际艺人奖”用来表彰那些能影响全球娱乐界的冉冉升起的国际名人。

Fan, who has emerged as a leading international fashion icon as her global acting career has exploded, wore a stunning Valentino gown to the event, telling THR, "I feel like Cinderella tonight."

"It's every girl's dream to wear these designer clothes," she added. "But even though I love fashion, the most important thing to me is my acting career."