第一学期即将结束之时,Annie 和男友Vaughn准备一起转学,下面为 Annie二人向他们朋友道别时的话语。






You guys are leaving already? Yeah, gotta be in Delaware by tomorrow night. See you soon. Have a good summer. I'll see you in the fall, Annie. We're gonna miss you. Yeah, you're the one that didn't even want me in the study group. Come on, that's not true. Yeah, none of us did. I say things other won't. That has value. Well, bye. See you. Lates. Bye.
你们这是要走了么? 是啊 明天晚上之前就得到特拉瓦州。 回见。 祝你暑假愉快。 秋天再见,Annie。 我们会想你的。 才怪,你都不希望我进学习小组。 拜托,那不是真的。 是啊,我们都不想要你进。别人不敢说,我说,这才有价值。 那么再见,再见。 密码:drama