• 美国偶像的英文怎么说

    美国偶像的英文: American Idol 《美国偶像》(American Idol)是福克斯广播公司从2002 年起主办的美国大众歌手选秀赛,英国电视节目《流行偶像》(Pop Idol)的美国版。人气非常高,近年的收视率牢牢占据著美国黄金时间段电视节目榜首。《美国偶像》的制作方是FremantleMedia,隶属于德国的贝塔斯曼公司;经纪方是19 Entertainment。 《美国偶像》是发掘新一代美国歌手的比赛,同是亦是歌手迅速成名的好机会。而现任的评判包括有:人称“毒舌”评判的西门·考尔,80年代美国流行巨星宝拉·阿巴杜和唱片制作人兰迪·杰克逊。而主持人则为瑞安·斯克里斯。 相关

  • 参议员盼美偶评委让女儿重返美国偶像

    Senator-elect Scott Brown told Barbara Walters that he hopes Simon Cowell will have his daughter, Ayla, back on American Idol. 后补参议员斯各特·布朗对芭芭拉·沃尔特说,他希望西蒙·考威尔能让自己的女儿艾拉重返美国偶像。 In an EXCLUSIVE “This Week” interview, Walters asked Brown about his daughter’s appearance as a [w]contestant[/w] on the hit reality show in which Cowell called the [w]aspiring[/w] singer’s performance “[w]robotic[/w]” and “empty”. 在一个独家节目《本周》的访谈中,沃尔特问到布朗关于布朗的女儿参加美国最

  • 《美国偶像》帮你找工作 (双语)


  • 美国偶像:评委大换血


  • “美国偶像”评委及主持人简介(附现场点评)

    出自她的编排。在1987年Paula很明智的拿出3万美元灌注了一张唱片。在1988年《Knocked Out》在Billboard最棒100张唱片中排名48。陆续发布的多张唱片都为Paula带来很高的赞誉和很大的发行量。1996年10月25日, Paula和Brad beckerman结婚。她的婚礼还登上了杂志和电视台的节目。担任《美国偶像》的评委对Paula来说很具有挑战性。 双击或划选(点我安装在线划词),即可查看单词的详细解释, 并收录生词进 生词本 Paula Abdul grew up in the San Fernando Valley, California. She began taking dance lessons when she was eight. She attended Van Nuys High School, where she was [w]senior[/w] class president and head [w]cheerleader[/w]. After graduating in 1980, she started college at Cal State-Northridge, majoring in TV and radio. After joining the L.A. Lakers cheerleaders, she became head cheerleader/[w]choreographer[/w] after only a few months, [w]eventually[/w] dropping out of college to dance and choreograph full-time. She was [w]recruite[/w]d by The Jacksons to choreograph their 1984 "[w]Torture[/w]" video, the first in a long list of videos and movies she would choreograph. She [w=branch out]branched out[/w] into singing with her first CD, "Forever Your Girl", which had [w]lackluster[/w] sales until the single "Straight Up" exploded onto the charts in December 1988 and she has been a popular singer/dancer ever since, enhanced by her [w]stint[/w] as a judge on the hit series "American Idol: The Search for a Superstar" (2002). Paula has won many musical awards, such as a Grammy, 7 MTV video awards, 2 Emmy awards, and 2 People's Choice Awards. On top of all that she's had two #1 hit albums and seven #1 hit singles. To add to that she has a star on the Hollywood walk of fame. She has done well for herself, and plans to write/sing/choreograph for as long as she can. Personal Quotes "When people expect me to go right, I'll go left, " says Abdul on her choreographing. "I'm [w]unpredictable[/w]." "When you wish upon a star, you just might become one."       Randy Jackson: Randy出生于1956年6月23日,出生地是路易斯安那州。2004年曾出演过电视剧《Dr. Vegas》,2005年参演《Kevin Hill》。他从80年代起就活跃在唱片业界,当过乐手,制作人和投资者。在1983至1986年曾在Journey乐队担任过临时贝司手。他一直在Columbia唱片公司和MCA唱片公司担任行政管理。2002年开始在《美国偶像》中担任评委,并且以他的特殊评语闻名。由于在2003年做了胃旁路手术,因此他错

  • 美国偶像:13名最终选手向传奇致敬

    Now things are [w]finally[/w] starting to get interesting! After weeks of seemingly [w]endless[/w] auditions and twists, American Idol's top 13 finalists took the [w]stage[/w] Wednesday, offering the clearest picture yet of who might be crowned the next winner. Spoilers ahead! The [w]male[/w] contestants faced off with the [w]female[/w]s – but it wasn't necessarily an even playing field. The guys were given Stevie Wonder's catalog, while the females had the towering task of singing songs by the late Whitney Houston. Perhaps not surprisingly, the guys seemed to fare better among the judges and each [w]contestant[/w] managed to bring their own flavor to the soul singer's [w]songbook[/w]. Joshua Ledet, who lead off the night, brought a hot gospel [w]swagger[/w] to "I Wish," while Phillip Phillips, during his show-closing performance, added rock 'n' roll heat to Wonder's most famous tune, "[w]Superstition[/w]." Even Hejun Han, showing off his delicate voice on "All Is Fair in Love," won praise from judges Jennifer Lopez, Randy Jackson and Steven Tyler, with the latter noting (somewhat backhandedly) that there was "something really special about his voice." Armed with Whitney's songbook, however, the females truly had their work cut out for them. It's no shock that many struggled matching the late singer's impressive, [w]outsize[/w]d voice – and some were unfamiliar with her work. Skylar Laine admitted to never listening to Houston's music growing up, while Elise Testone was unaware of Houston's inescapable "I'm Your Baby Tonight" when it was released in 1990 (she would've been 7-years-old at the time). Nevertheless, those two in [w]particular[/w] delivered solid performances: Laine added her country flair to "Where Do Broken Hearts Go" while Testone's husky voice was well-suited to her [w]rendition[/w]. But it was Jessica Sanchez, an early favorite among the judges, who owned the night. Not surprisingly, she selected Houston's most well known song, "I Will Always Love You." She aced it – and earned a standing [w]ovation[/w]. "I think you're not only one of the best singers of the night, I think you're one of the best singers in the whole competition," Jackson noted. Aside from Sanchez, Mary J. Blige, returning as [w]vocal[/w] coach with Jimmy Iovine, was the episode's clear [w]highlight[/w]. If anyone knows about the art of singing, it's her. And not only was it a hoot to watch the Queen of Hip-Hop Soul sing bits of the songs while seated, she offered some of the most[w]trenchant[/w] comments of the night. FOX should give her a judge's chair. 沪江英乐: 《美偶》越来越精彩啦!最终的13名选手个个都才华横溢,比赛也将越来越激烈。周三的节目中,所有选手对已逝传奇歌手史蒂夫旺·德和惠特妮·休斯顿的经典歌曲进行重新演绎,每个人都有着自己的风格,犀利的评委们也是各有所爱。谁将能够获得最终的胜利,请大家拭目以待。

  • "麻辣鸡"Nicki Minaj有望加盟《美国偶像》评委席

    is you've got to create a panel that gels," show producer Nigel Lythgoe told E! News. "A panel that makes sense together. It's not just about three individuals." 沪江娱乐快讯:在史密斯飞船乐队主唱史蒂芬·泰勒和42岁的拉丁天后詹妮弗·洛佩兹先后离席,乐坛天后玛丽亚·凯莉以1800万美元的天价薪酬入驻之后,新一届美偶评委的另外一位人选也几乎敲定! 著名饶舌女歌手“麻辣鸡”Nicki Minaj被曝几乎确定与《美国偶像》建立合同关系,加盟该真人秀,担任新一季评委。 《美国偶像》的一位内部人士透露说,妮基·米娜已经决定(做评委),虽然合约还有一些小细节还在协调中,不过这已经是板上钉钉的事情;另外一位内部人士透露,Nicki Minaj将100%出现在美国偶像评委席上。但是FOX官方和妮基·米娜本人暂未对这一报道予以回应。

  • 黑脸评委将离去,《美国偶像》何去何从


  • Kelly Clarkson成为美国偶像新评委

    沪江英乐讯  看来少了一个Paula Abdul的《美国偶像 American Idol》是铁了心想打造一套全明星客串评委阵容,本周又有三位明星宣布将加入成为客串评委,他们就是Joe Jonas、Shania Twain和Kelly Clarkson。 Joe Jonas,在美国火得不行的少年偶像团体Jonas Brothers中的一员,他将在8月24日加入在达拉斯的海选成为一名客串评委,他也是目前宣布加入的客串评委名单中唯一的一名男性。 点此进入【全球人气偶像组合Jonas Brothers乔纳斯兄弟】专题 Kelly Clarkson相信大家都很熟悉了,作为《美国偶像》打造的第1位偶像,她也将在8年后成为第1个美国偶像选手客串评委,目前还不清楚她会在哪个城市出现,有传闻她将和Joe Jonas在同一个城市。 另一位宣布成为客串评委的是加拿大乡村音乐天后级人物Shania Twain,关于她的介绍感兴趣的同学们可以自行google,她美国偶像将在8月底参加在芝加哥的海选。

  • 美国偶像2010年第九季播出时间及海报

    沪江英乐讯    美国收视率第一电视节目《美国偶像 American Idol》马上就要归来!FOX电视台今日宣布了美偶2010年的播出计划,海选将于北京时间1月13日开始播出,24强将于北京时间2月18日诞生,12强将于北京时间3月12日诞生,《Idol Gives Back》将于北京时间4月22日播出。 美国偶像第九季海报出炉 2010美国偶像第九季时间表(以下时间为美国时间,北京时间后延一天): 1月12日 周二 Boston海选集 1月13日 周三 Atlanta海选集 1月19日 周二 Chicago海选集 1月20日 周三 Orlando海选集 1月26日 周二 Dallas海