• 英语专四词汇语法专项练习模拟试题八

    模拟试题: 1. ____ in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown. A. Unpopular has as white been B. White has been as unpopular C. Unpopular has been as white D. Unpopular as white has been 2. ____ for a long time, the fields are all dried up. A. There has been no rain  B. Having no rain C. There having been no rain D. There being no rain 3. The millions of calculations involved, ____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished. A. had they been done B. they had been done C. having been done D. they were done 4. Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment ____. A. which they are happening  B. they are happening C. which they happen D. they have happened 5. ____ me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet. A. That amazed B. It amazed C.Which amazed D. What amazed 6. Although she wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very young, ____ she was twenty five. A. her first real success did not come until B. her real first success came until not C. since her first real success did not come until D. not until her first real success 7.You should know better than ____ your little sister at home by herself. A. to leave B. leaving C. to have left D. left 8. As the train will not leave until one hour later, we ____grab a bite at the snack bar. A. may well B. just as well C. might as well D. as well 9. She resorted to ____ when she had no money to buy foods for her children. A. have stolen B. steal C. stole D. stealing 10. The boy has admitted to ____ the window while playing football yesterday. A. breaking B. having been broken C. break D. be breaking 11. Betty advised me to label our luggage carefully in case it gets____in transit. A. misused B. mishandled C. mistaken D. mislaid 12. ____ money, she is quite rich. However, this does not mean that she is happy. A. Concerning B. As to C. In terms of D. In the light of 13. A well written composition ____ good choice of words and clear organization among other things. A. calls for B. calls on C. calls up D. calls off 14. It is ____ with the customer not to let the shop assistants guess what she really likes and wants until the last moment. A. in her honor B. on her honor C.a point of honor D. an honor 15. This house will probably come on the ____ next month. A. fair B. market C. shop D. store 16. George was introduced to ____ activities at a young age, when she was hire to act as a lookout for drugdealers. A. illegal B. lawful C. faithful D. peaceful 17. An institution that properly carries the name university is a more comprehensive and complex institution than any other kind of higher education____. A. settlement B. establishment C. costruction D. structure 18. People’s status in society is frequently ____ by how much they own. A. measured B. examined C. tested D. questioned 19. Jack is so ____ to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed. A. adverse B. anonymous C. indifferent D. casual 20. There is an increasing ____ to make movies describing violence. A. strength B. direction C. tradition D. trend 21. Outside my office window there is a fire ____ on the right. A. escape B. ladder C. steps D. stairs 22. I ____ with the Browns during my stay in New York City. A. put in B. put down C. put on D. put up 23. Operations which left patients ____ and in need of long periods of discovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable. A. exhausted B. unhealthy C. upset D. fearful 24. Farmers are allowed to grow small gardens of their own and they sell their vegetables ____ the black market. A. on B. at C. in D. for 25. The electric fan does not work because of the ____of service. A. pause B. break C. interruption D. breakdown 点击查看下一页试题答案与解析>>> 答案与解析 1. D)【句意】虽然白色过去不受欢迎,但目前它是婚纱的首选颜色。 【难点】as是连词,引导让步状语从句时,往往使用半

  • 英语专四词汇语法专项练习模拟试题十三

    进给西方造成了深远的影响。 【难点】该句考查名词和物主代词的指代关系。 5. B)【句意】这一问题肯定在两天之前的会议上讨

  • 英语专四词汇语法专项练习模拟试题十二

    模拟试题: 1. If only the arbitration court ____ the dispute. A. resolve B. will resolve C. can resolve D. would resolve 2. I advise you ____ of ____ out such a dangerous plan. A. to stop to think... carry B. to stop thinking... carrying C. to stop thinking... carry D. to stop thinking... to carry 3. She bought ____ plates. A. one dozen beautiful pale blue dinner B. one dozen pale blue beautiful dinner C. beautiful one dozen pale blue dinner D. one dozen dinner beautiful pale blue 4. More and more advanced farm machines ____ , the agricultural production increased tremendously. A. using B. having used C. having been used D. to have been used 5. I think you are supposed ____ your graduate study last year. A. to be finishing B. to have finished C. to finish D. to have been finished 6. The paper ____ several persons are risking their lives is an important report on missiles A. after which B. for which C. with which D. at which 7. The actress is not so beautiful ____ the press described in advance. A. that B. which C. as D. what 8. The protection device can eliminate the faults ____they cause more damage. A. unless B. until C. before D. although 9. All ____ is peace and progress. A. what is needed B. for our needs C. the thing needed D. that is needed 10. ____ he was aware ofthe real meaning of life. A. That was from that book B. It was that book which C. It was from that book that D. It was that book that 11. I hope you will never fall into that ____. A. mistake B. fault C. error D. defect 12. Then the ____ streamed into the great hall. A. group B. crowd C. gang D. masses 13. Once a ____ is formed it is very difficult to shake it off. A. habit B. custom C. practice D. usage 14. My husband likes early American furniture, but I prefer ____styles, designs that reflect today’s times. A. noble B. neutral C. contemporary D. simple 15. For many people, overeating and overspending are as ____to Christmas as candles and holly. A. integral B. suitable C. inevitable D. compatible 16. When my kids go a weekend without pizza and TV while camping, they think they are suffering great ____. A. deficiency B. deprivation C. depression D. starvation 17. The police have asked for the____ of the public in tracing the whereabouts of the missing boy. A. cooperation C. helpfulness D. aid 18. She murmured something and blushed as if a secret had been ____. A. imposed B. exposed C. removed D. renewed 19. Your service is entirely ____ , not compulsory. A. selective B. optional C. voluntary D. reluctant 20. Their distribution is also ____, sometimes, widely spaced, in places, closely packed together. A. various B. alternative C. variable D. conventional 21. Food and drink are good and desirable, but their ____can cause serious health and mental problems. A. effect B. abuse C. custom D. usage 22. I called on him the morning after our arrival, and was ____with his gay, precise manner and obvious power of decision. A. inclined B. implied C. impressed D. illustrated 23. The trade agreement between the two countries will ____next year. A. adjoin B. expire C. boost D. concede 24. Two boys were caught smoking at school but the headmaster let them ____ with a warning. A. off B. down C. out D. alone 25. Advertising costs are no longer in reasonable ____to the total cost of the product. A. testimony B. relationship C. proportion D. legislation 点击查看下一页试题答案与解析>>> 答案详解: 1. A)【句意】但愿仲裁庭解决这些争议。 【难点】If only意为“只要,但愿”,后边引出的句子往往用虚拟语气,表示与将来事实相反或将来不可能发生的事情时谓语通常采用(should)+动词原形。 2. B)【句意】我建议你不要想着去执行这样危险的计划。 【难点】advise 一般用于句型“advise(sb)that 或advise sb to do sth,意为“建议…做”。stop后跟动名词或名词时,意为“不

  • 英语专四词汇语法专项练习模拟试题三

    一个带有时间状语从句的主从复合句。在英语中,由while, when等引导的 时间状语从句,如果其主语与主句中的主语相同,从句中的主语可以省略,而只剩下分词短语。驾车的应该是人,所以只能从C)和D)选,而D)的意义不符,所以选C)。 5. C) 【句意】杰恩•瓦格那对亚非诗歌最永恒的贡献是他坚持认为,这类诗歌除用凡俗的参考框架,还应用宗教的参考框架进行研究。 【难点】insistence是个

  • 英语专四单词怎么记

    似的词组串联在一起同时记住。而如果同义词之间含义用法有细微差别,尤其要注意辨清。 适用题型:近义词辨析题 4.联想记忆法: 结合单词拼写特征或者与发音上与汉语的谐音效果来辅助记忆。如strong这个单词,发音非常接近汉语“死壮”,且单词本身确实表示“强壮”之意,因此可巧妙地联想到中文来记忆。另外,针对一些拼写非常接近的词汇,尤其要利用联想来加以区分。比如stationary是形容词,表示“静止不动的”;stationery是名词,表示“文具”,这两个单词发音完全相同,拼写仅在黑体字部分有一字母之差,确实很难记忆。此时可抓住唯一有区英语少不了记单词,而英语专四考试需要记忆的单词较多,靠死记硬背很难掌握牢固,下面小编给大家分享四别的黑体字部分展开联想:由stationery中的字母e联想到时下文案工作最常用的email,因此

  • 5个高效积累英语四级词汇的方法

    英语四级备考的过程中,单词的积累和语法的掌握很重要。要想快速、准确并且大量的记单词对应的英语单词。以上这三个步骤做好后,即使不会拼写也不会影响听课和理解。如果课堂上还有时间的话,可以进行第四步一一拼写单词。经过前三个过程,我们已经对这个生单词“照过很多面”,不会对他的拼写很生疏,再加上一些发音知识,就会比较省力地记下单词的拼写。 三、联系上下文记单词 记下一个单词的发音、拼写、词义,并不一定真正掌握了这个词,因为英语中有许多词是一词多意、一词多性或一词多音等,要真正掌握或判断其词义、词性等,只有依据句子,联系上下文来完成。实战证明:联系上下文记单词,既可在句子中准确了解单词的读音、词义和用法,又能利用上下文的联系来记单词,防止遗忘。 四、及时复习,经常复习 单词学得多了,时间一长就容易遗忘,这是不可避免的。防止遗忘的有效方法之一就是及时而经常地复习。复习方法可多种多样,依据个人情况而定。下面

  • 英语专业四级词汇语法和完形填空高分秘籍

    似的词组串联在一起同时记。而如果同义词之间含义用法有细微差别,尤其要注意辨清。 适用题型:近义词辨析题 4.联想记忆法 此方法指结合单词拼写特征或者在发音上与汉语的谐音效果来辅助记忆,如strong这个单词,发音非常接近汉语“死壮”,且单词本身确实表示“强壮”之意,因此可巧妙地联想到中文来记忆。另外,对于一些拼写非常接近的词汇,尤其要利用联想来加以区分,比如:stationary是形容词,表示“静止不动的”;stationery是名词,表示“文具”。这两个单词发音完全相同,拼写仅在黑体字部分有一字母之差,确实很难记忆。此时可抓住唯一有区英语专业四级考试(下文简称专四)是检验学生在专业英语别的黑体字部分展开联想——由stationery中的字母e联想到时下文案工作最常用的email,因此可记住含有e的stationery是“文具”之意,而另一个同音词stationary就表示“静止不动的”。 适用题型:形近词辨析题。 新春课程温暖上线,春季,和网校一起成长! 商务英语BEC【初级春季班】 商务英语BEC【中级春季班】 2010年9月英语口译【高口春季班】 2010年9月英语口译【中口春季班】

  • 掌握英语专四单词要掌握技巧

    英语少不了记单词,而英语专四考试需要记忆的单词提到的词组in accordance with sth, 与另一个词组be in line with sth. 含义接近,都表示“符合,依照”,因此可把含义相似的词组串联在一起同时记住。而如果同义词之间含义用法有细微差别,尤其要注意辨清。 适用题型:近义词辨析题 以上就是英语专四单词积累技巧,希望可以给大家学习带来帮助。 如果您对英语学习感兴趣,想要深入学习,可以了解沪江网校精品课程,量身定制高效实用的个性化学习方案,专属督导全程伴学。扫一扫领200畅学卡

  • 商务英语基本词汇和语法的学习步骤

    些许差异,例如被动语态的使用、条件句的运用等。学习商务英语的语法结构可以通过参考语法书、在线语法资源等进行学习。 4.多做练习:通过做商务英语的练习题,例如填空题、阅读理解等,来巩固所学的词汇和语法。可以选择教材提供的练习题,或者寻找在线资源进行练习。 5.实践应用:学习商务英语最重要的一步是将所学应用到实际情境中。可以通过模拟商务会议、商务谈判等场景来练习商务英语的应用。 二、学习商务英语的基本技巧 1.多听:通过听商务英语的录音或者参与商务英语的听力练习,提高自己的听力理解能力。可以选择商务英语教材、商业新闻、商务演讲等资源进行听力训练。 2.多说:积极参与商务英语的口语练习,可以与语伴、教师或者其他学习者进行口语对话。可以通过模拟商务会议、商务谈判等场景来练习口语表达能力。 3.多读:阅读商务英语的相关材料,例如商业新闻、商务文档、商务书籍等。通过阅读提高自己的词汇量和理解能力。可以选择商务英语教材、商业杂志、行业报告等进行阅读。 4.多写:通过写商务英语的邮件、报告、演讲稿等,提高自己的写作能力。可以请教师或者其他学习者进行修改和反馈,不断改进自己的写作技巧。 5.创造实践机会:积极寻找商务英语的实践机会,例如参加商务英语角、商务英语培训班、商务交流活动等。通过实践来巩固所学的商务英语技能。 6.制定学习计划:制定一个有目标和具体计划的学习计划,包括每天或每周的学习时间、学习内容和练习任务。保持持续的学习和练习,不断提高自己的商务英语能力。 特别提醒:如果大家想要了解更多英语方面知识,或者想要深入学习英语的,可以扫以下二维码,定制沪江网校精品课程,高效实用的个性化学习方案,专属督导全程伴学 商务英语的价值和重要性在于它能够帮英语不仅可以提高我们的英语水平,更可以帮助我们在职场上取得成功。在全球化的今天,商务英语助你在国际商务环境中脱颖而出,增强你的职业竞争力和成功机会。通过学习和掌握商务英语,大家将能够更好地与全球商业伙伴进行沟通、建立商业关系,并为个人职业发展打下坚实的基础。

  • 专四词汇包括六级吗

    好用英英.次之中英双解.最不推荐用中英辞典.这样永远学不好。查单词时.一定要从从头看到尾.把各种解释、用法、例句都快快看过一次。查字典找句你觉得不错的例句多看.自己最好也造一句写下来。 二、collocation词语搭配。 这是一般学英语学生的最大罩门。中文也有collocation.例如我们说一匹马.不说一匹女人;打草惊蛇.不说打草惊蚯蚓。所以学英语要连该单词的固定使用词套或语境(context)一起学。一个单词固定搭配的介词也要一起记。如beconsistentwith视为一个单位记。所有解释都过一遍.自己找出最符合上下文中的定义。字典中有单字就继续查那个生词.查到没生词为止。Cross-referenceisveryimportantforboostingyourvocabularypower. 三、想尽办法自己找出答案.自己真的找不到答案才问老师。 一定要学会自己找出答案.。Beyourownteacher! 四、给自己定个时间表。 词汇量是日积月累的.一天搞懂(不是死记)十个重点单字.当天写篇日记或发手机短信运用学到的这些词。每天复习前一天的单词.考试当天自是得心应手。 五、随时随地学英文。 我记忆力不是很好.所以我大多是用分析的方式帮我记住单词。我也不习惯用看的.所以大部分用听的方式学习。我还习惯利用零碎时间学习。例如打车时.走路时.玩电脑时.就放著广播当背景声。你们也可以去买一套有磁带的单英语专业的学生来说,是需要面对专四专八考试的,对于要参加专四的考生来说,专四词汇字书.每天多听几次。睡前也听.睡眠学习法很有用。 以上就是为大家整理的专四词汇包括六级吗的相关内容,希望能够对大家有所帮助。不管备考什么,词汇都是最基础的,只有词汇量达到了,才能够取得真正的提升。