• 英语初级口语开心学 Lesson1

    words while reading and retell the story to your partner. 一定要试着复述下哈,对口语提高有帮助滴! [en]Accident[/en] [en]The river, you see, was never really safe at that time of the year- early autumn, I mean, when there is heavy [w]rainfall[/w]. So when I heard the children had gone swimming, as they used to all

  • 英语初级口语开心学 Lesson3

    of the thief to the police in Water Bridge. Less than twelve hours later they got a telephone call from the police in Water Bridge. “We have caught the fours this evening, we think.” 常用口语: 1. May I see a hat, please? 当你走进一家商店想买帽子、衣服、鞋子等宝贝时,你可以说:”May I see... please?"这样,服务员就会给你介绍相关产品了。 2. It goes very well with my coat. 看到那么多美丽的物品,想必总有让你心仪的宝贝了吧,觉得它很相称,那时候就可以说:“It goes very well with...” 虽然学了这么两个句子要去商店自如表达还不够,不过积少成多嘛,心急的筒子也可以另外再找资料学习学习,说不定马上就能变身购物达人咯,呵呵。

  • 英语初级口语开心学 Lesson8

    一个人看。[/cn] [en]Fred and Lloyd felt very pleased when they showed their teacher the pictures they had taken on their vacation. She said that they were some of the most interesting pictures she had seen.[/en] [cn]当他们把假期拍的照片给老师看后Fred和Lloyd感到非常快乐。她(老师)说这是她看过的一些最有趣的照片。[/cn] • Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. Who Waits for Whom? Mr and Mrs Allen go grocery shopping on Saturday mornings. Mr Allen never enjoys these trips. Mrs Allen does the shopping and he sits in the car and waits for her. This morning there were a lot of people and it took Mrs Allen longer than usual. An hour went by and finally a man came up to Mr Allen. Excuse me, he said, is your name Allen? Your wife is waiting for you at the check-out counter. She doesn't have enough money for the groceries ! 常用口语: 1. Would you please set the table? 在家有帮老妈摆过餐桌吗,嘿嘿,这句可以试试哦。 2. at the check-out counter 在购物时经常会碰到的地方,付了钱才能走的,不然保安会拦住你滴。 3. School starts next week.  开学的人伤不起啊,但迟早要来的事呢,现在9月多了,相比都已经适应校园生活了吧,但这句还是很有用的哈。

  • 英语初级口语开心学 Lesson2

    以我去之前要去夜校上一个月的中文课。”[/cn] [en]He studied very hard for a month, and then his holidays began and he went to China.[/en][cn]他很努力地学习了一个月后,他的北京之旅开始了。[/cn] [en]When he came back a few weeks later, his friend said to him: “ Did you have any trouble with your Chinese when you were in Peking, Tom?”[/en][cn]当他回来几周后,他的朋友跟他说:“Tom,你去北京时有什么因为中文而带来的麻烦吗?”[/cn] [en]“No, I didn't have any trouble with it,” answered Tom,“But the Chinese did !”[/en][cn]“没有,我没有任何因为中文带来的麻烦,”Tom回答,“但中国人有(遇口语到了麻烦)!”[/cn] 嘿,试过用中文跟外国友人交流么?那种经历也很特别哦,咱们英语学了那么些年总得找机会会会foreigner吧,不但用英文也用用中文。记得某位英语达人说过:“学英语就是为了把中文推广给世界!”是否有上述Tom那种经历呢,可以说出来跟大家分享下哈! Text B at the Birthday Party [en]Mrs. Ross: Welcome, Peter. Give me your coat and hat.[/en][cn]Mrs.Ross:欢迎你,Peter。把你的外套和帽子给我。[/cn] [en]Peter: Thank you, Mrs. Ross.[/en][cn]Peter:谢谢你,Mrs.Ross。[/cn] [en]Mrs. Ross: The boys and girls are in the [w]living room[/w]. Wait, I'll call John.[/en][cn]Mrs.Ross:男孩和女孩们正在客厅。等一下,我叫下John。[/cn] * * * [en]John: Hi, Peter. Why are you late?[/en][cn]John:嗨。Peter。你怎么这么晚来?[/cn] [en]Peter: My mother made me [w]dress up[/w].[/en][cn]Peter:我妈妈让我穿正式些。[/cn] [en]John: That's good. Alice has some pretty friends.[/en][cn]John:好极了。Alice 有些漂亮的朋友。[/cn] [en]Peter: You know I don't like girls.[/en][cn]Peter:你知道我不喜欢女孩。[/cn] * * * [en]Peter: Happy birthday, Alice. [w]Many happy returns of the day[/w]. Here's a present for you.[/en][cn]Peter:生日快乐,Alice。祝你长命百岁,这是给你的礼物。[/cn] [en]Alice: Thank you, Peter. Come into the [w]dining room[/w]. I'm going to cut the cake soon.[/en][cn]Alice:谢谢你,Peter。来餐厅吧,我马上就切蛋糕了。[/cn] [en]John: Have some sandwiches, Peter.[/en][cn]John:来尝点三明治,Peter。[/cn] [en]Peter: Thanks. John. Who's that girl?[/en][cn]Peter:谢谢,John,那个女孩是谁?[/cn] [en]John: That's Joan. She's pretty, isn't she? She likes to dance. Ask her to dance.[/en][cn]John:那是Joan。她很漂亮,是吧?她喜欢跳舞,你去邀请她跳舞吧。[/cn] [en]Peter: Well, I don't know.[/en][cn]Peter:嗯,我不知道。[/cn] [en]John: Don't be afraid. She isn't going to [w]bite[/w] you.[/en][cn]John:别害怕,她不会咬你的。[/cn] [en]Peter: Who's afraid? I'm not afraid.[/en][cn]Peter:谁怕了?我没害怕。[/cn] * * * [en]Peter: Would you like to dance, Joan?[/en][cn]Peter:你愿意跳一支舞吗,Joan?[/cn] [en]Joan: Yes, Thank you. I'd like to dance very much.[/en][cn]Joan:我愿意,谢谢。我很喜欢跳舞。[/cn] • Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. 试着复述出来,你也可以简单归纳下与大家分享哦! Self-service If you are in a hurry and you want to have a quick meal there is no better place than a [w]self-service[/w] restaurant. You go into the restaurant, pick up a [w]tray[/w], knife, [w]fork[/w], and [w]spoon[/w] and queue at a counter where the food is on display. You pick out what you want and put it on your tray, which you have to push along a special rack till you reach the cashier. The cashier will give you your bill. After paying, you take your tray to any table you like. You can sit alone or with another customer. You can have a good meal in ten minutes. And-as there is no waiter you don't have to give a tip. 常用口语: 1. Many happy returns of the day! 这是生日时的祝福语,可以表达“祝你青春永驻!”、“祝你年年有今日、岁岁有今朝”或者“祝你寿比南山!”等意思,当你的朋友、同事、同学们生日时,不妨送出这句生日祝语哦! 2. Would you like to dance? 在生日party上,想邀请心仪的女孩子跳舞时,可别害羞,大大方方说出这句话吧。当然,“Would you like to do something"也可以邀请别人去打球啦、去跑步啦等等都可以,看你想找人一起干嘛咯。

  • 英语初级口语开心学 Lesson9:别再吃炸薯条了

    病了。[/cn] [en]Mrs. Welsh: What's the matter with you? Mrs.[/en] [cn]Welsh:你怎么了?[/cn] [en]Peter: I have a headache and a bad stomachache.[/en] [cn]Peter:我头疼胃也疼。[/cn] [en]Mrs Welsh: You have a fever too. I'm going to call Dr Dawes. Don't get out of bed.[/en][cn]Mrs Welsh:你可能是发烧了,我去叫Dr Dawes,呆在床上别起来。[/cn] [en]Peter: Oh, I can't get out of bed. I'm too ill. [/en][cn]Peter:哦,我起不来床,我太难受了。[/cn] [en]Mrs. Welsh: Operator, give me spring 3-2546, please. Hello, this is Mrs. Welsh. Is Dr Dawes there? Thank you. I'll wait. . . Dr Dawes, this is Mrs. Welsh. Can you come to the house, please? [/en][cn]Mrs. Welsh:接线员,请帮我接3-2546。你好,我是Mrs. Welsh,请问是Dr Dawes吗?谢谢,我会等。Dr Dawes,我是Mrs. Welsh,你能来下我家吗?[/cn] [en]Dr Dawes: Who's ill?[/en][cn]Dr Dawes:谁病了?[/cn] [en]Mrs. Welsh: Peter, my son. Mrs. [/en][cn]Welsh:Peter,我儿子。[/cn] [en]Dr Dawes: What's the matter with him?[/en][cn]Dr Dawes:他怎么样了?[/cn] [en]Mrs. Welsh: I don't know. He has a headache, a bad stomachache and a fever. Mrs. [/en][cn]Welsh:我不知道,他头疼胃疼而且有烧。[/cn] [en]Dr Dawes: Keep him in bed. Where do you live? [/en][cn]Dr Dawes:让他呆在床上。你住在哪里?[/cn] [en]Mrs. Welsh: We live at 44 Washington Avenue.[/en] [cn]Mrs. Welsh:我们住在华盛顿街道44号。[/cn] [en]Dr Dawes: All right, Mrs. Welsh, I'll be there soon. [/en][cn]Dr Dawes:好的,Mrs. Welsh,我很快就到那里。[/cn] [en]Mrs. Welsh: Thank you. Good-bye Dr Dawes.[/en] [cn]Mrs. Welsh:谢谢,再见Dr Dawes。[/cn] • Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. Harry is looking at a man in the street. He is talking to Jack about the man. Harry: Who's that man with the black bag? Jack: I can't see a man with a black bag. Harry: He was standing at the door of that house a moment ago. Now he's walking down the street. Jack: Oh, that man. I don't know who he is. He's a stranger. Harry: Look at the man who's running after him. Jack: Yes. Perhaps the stranger is a thief. Harry: I don't think so. Jack: Wait a minute. I can recognize the man who's running after him. It's Mr. Green. Harry: Now I remember. Mr. Green told me yesterday that his brother was coming. 常用口语: 1. stop eating something. 停止吃something。所谓病从口入,有时候生病是因为饮食不注意,比如吃了坏掉的东西拉肚子,当然也有可能是像医生提到的吸烟、喝酒过度之类的,国庆期间有没猛吃啊,有的话要注意咯,stop eating too much。 2. keep him in bed. 如果生病了呢,休息很重要的,所以要好好在床上躺着啦。 OK,本期内容很简单吧,瞥一眼就能记住了哈,所以有空多瞥几眼吧呵呵。

  • 英语初级口语开心学 Lesson5


  • 英语初级口语开心学 Lesson6


  • 英语初级口语开心学 Lesson7

    面的某个地方![/cn] Text B No Baseball Today [en]PETER: Can you play baseball with me today?[/en][cn]PETER:你今天能跟我一起打棒球吗?[/cn] [en]JOHN: No, I can't. I'm sorry. I have to help my mother. We're going to move tomorrow.[/en][cn]JOHN:不,我不能。对不起,我得帮我妈妈。我们明天就要搬走了。[/cn] [en]PETER: Where's the new house? Is it far from here?[/en][cn]PETER:新房子在哪里?离这里远吗?[/cn] [en]JOHN: No, it's not far. It's near our old house.[/en][cn]JOHN:不,不远。它就在旧房子的附近。[/cn] [en]PETER: Can I help you pack?[/en][cn]PETER:我能帮你打包吗?[/cn] [en]JOHN: Sure. Thanks.[/en][cn]JOHN:当然可以,谢谢。[/cn] * * * [en]PETER: What can I do?[/en][cn]PETER:我能做什么?[/cn] [en]JOHN: Take the books out of the [w]bookcase[/w]. Put them in this box.[/en][cn]JOHN:把书从书橱拿出来,然后把它们放进这个箱子。[/cn] [en]PETER: Well, the books are in the box. What can I do now?[/en][cn]PETER:好了,书已经放进箱子了。现在我做什么呢?[/cn] [en]JOHN: Take the magazines out of the bookcase. Put them in that box.[/en][cn]PETER:把杂志从书橱拿出来,把它们放进那个箱子。[/cn] [en]PETER: All right.[/en][cn]PETER:好的。[/cn] [en]JOHN: Peter! Pack them. Don't read them.[/en][cn]JOHN:Peter!整理它们,不要读它们。[/cn] [en]PETER: These magazines are interesting. May I borrow one?[/en][cn]PETER:这些杂志很有趣,我可以借一本吗?[/cn] [en]JOHN: Of course.[/en][cn]JOHN:当然可以。[/cn] [en]PETER: Thanks, John.[/en][cn]PETER:谢谢,JOHN。[/cn] • Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. A Better Mailman! I worked as a [w]mailman[/w] for a short time. However, I am afraid of dogs and I had a lot of trouble. One day I tried to deliver some letters to a big house. I started to open the gate and all of a sudden a huge dog ran toward me. It growled and barked at me, so I threw the letters over the fence. The dog picked them up and carried them into the house. The dog was a better mailman than I was! 常用口语: 本期常用口语都比较简单,小编就不做点评了,列出来给大家看下吧。 1.What can I do? 我能做什么? 2.Don't throw any snow on that side. 别把积雪扔到那边。 3.Can I help you [w]pack[/w]? 我能帮你打包吗?

  • 英语初级口语开心学 Lesson10:漂亮的裙子

    shouted angrily, "and where are you going this evening?" 常用口语: 1. How much does it cost?这件多少钱啊? 此句对于喜爱逛街购物的MM们可是再实用不过了,使用频率接近百分之百哈。 2. on one's way to... 在去……的路上   3. May I catch a number 7 bus to get there? 我可以坐7路公交车去那里吗?嗯,在城市交通高速发展的现代社会,搭公交可是很重要的出行方式哦,要善用这个句子呢,估计不太容易迷路了呵呵~~

  • 英语初级口语开心学 Lesson11:古堡之旅

    什么的?[/cn] [en]ROBERT: He works in an office. He writes letters and reports, and he types. [/en][cn]ROBERT:办事员是在办公室工作的,他写信和文章,还有打字。[/cn] [en]PETER: I want to be a [w]vet[/w].[/en] [cn]我想做一名兽医。[/cn] [en]ROBERT: A-what?[/en] [cn]ROBERT:做什么?[/cn] [en]PETER: A vet-a veterinary surgeon.[/en] [cn]PETER:a vet 就是兽医。[/cn] [en]ROBERT: Good [w]gracious[/w] !What's that? [/en][cn]ROBERT:天啊!那是什么职业?[/cn] [en]PETER: A vet's a man who takes care of sick animals. He's an animal doctor.[/en] [cn]PETER:兽医就是一个照顾好生病的动物的职业,他是位动物医生。[/cn] [en]ROBERT: I once read a story about a person who talked to animals. It was very interesting. [/en][cn]ROBERT:我曾经听说过一个关于一个人跟动物说话的故事。那有趣极了。[/cn] • Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. Mrs. Neat Mrs. Neat was tidy and [w]orderly[/w]. One day she got on a bus, went up on top and sat down. When the conductor asked her for her fare, she opened her bag, took out her purse, closed her bag, opened her purse, took out a [w]shilling[/w], closed her purse, opened her bag, put in her purse and closed her bag. She paid her fare. The conductor gave her a ticket. 常用口语: 1. a visit to ... 对……的一次参观 2. Good gracious! 天啊!这个比较常用的口语哟,表示愤怒、惊奇、惊讶等。 康威城堡简介: 位于威尔士北部海岸,修建于1283年至1289年间,即爱德华一世在北威尔士第二次战役期间。和该地区很多城堡一样,康威城堡的设计者是詹姆士(James)。如今,康威城堡以其重要的历史价值而成为了一个重要的旅游景观。很多游客都慕名而来,一睹这座古堡的风采。而康威城堡本身也是康威镇最为重要的景点。大家有兴趣可以多找些图片来看,还不错哦!