• 乡村音乐皇后Reba•McEntir谈新专辑(视频)

    We are very excited because the woman I'm talking about right now sold more than 56 million albums, hold the record for most No.1 albums of any female artist in the country music history. You know whom I've talked about. Reba! Of course! She is joining us live! Ram Nashville, our special correspondent, host of ABC, is on the red [w]carpet[/w], Rachel Smith also live with us! Rachel, take it away. Feel better to celebrate the CMA Awards with Reba, someone who was taking home a 6th CMA Awards, and you also hold the record for the female artist of the most CMA nominations ever. How about 49 nominations. That's too shinning. That's pretty amazing. I didn't know that. So, your latest [w]album[/w] which is All the Women I Am. I really hear about that from them, a little bit. But um, let's cheer with your first. Tonight you are presenting, you are taking the stage as presenter. What did the CMAs mean to you? It's a family reunion to me. All of the artists, all the people in the industry come to the CMA Awards, and all the fans come from all over the county to watch the show and be here. It's a family reunion and we have a wonderful time at the Award show. We really do indeed. And then, tomorrow night is a big night for you as well because of your new [w]sitcom[/w] is for airing. Malibu Country, on ABC 0830 0730 central! What drew you to this project? I love being on television. I've been on ABC. And this is a fun show. I get to work with Lily Tomnon, Sarah Ruf, great actors, great foes on the scene. I love television. I missed not given to shoot the [w]reboot[/w] TV show when I left the air in 2006. But it's on rerun now. Everybody gets to see it again. Yeah. We love it. Yeah. We do, too. We love it and Malibu Country. We are really excited about the premier tomorrow night, so hope everybody turn tune. Tonight, CMA Awards, you can see Reba presenting. At 0807 central early, it's exactly. And tomorrow night Malibu Country 0830/0730c on ABC. 相关中文资讯 乡村音乐皇后瑞芭·麦肯泰尔专访,McEntire可说是作为乡村音乐的皇后进入90年代的,不断有歌曲进入前10名,多次名列第一,并以不断创新来维护这个地位。她在一些歌里加入了一点流行音乐色彩,如她唱的《Sunday Kind of Love》、《Walk On》和《For My Broken Heart》等。她的舞台演出也越发令人目眩,大场面、新服装、大屏幕,外加伴舞。节目中她谈到多次乡村音乐奖提名和新专辑《All the Women I Am》。 声明:音视频均来自互联网链接,仅供学习使用。本网站自身不存储、控制、修改被链接的内容。"沪江英语"高度重视知识产权保护。当如发现本网站发布的信息包含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将依法采取措施移除相关内容或屏蔽相关链接。

  • 乐闻:2009美国乡村音乐学院奖揭晓


  • 懒散下午,乡村音乐时间:Honeysuckle Sweet

    沪江英乐讯   Jessi Alexander,美国的乡村歌手,但是不是很出名,网上的介绍也很少。应该说,她的音质不错,曲风是很传统的乡村音乐味道,也许是因为不够独特,太大众化了一点吧,不过这首歌在一个懒懒的下午放着听,还是挺惬意的。 Artist:Jessi Alexander Song:Honeysuckle Sweet Bare feet on southern soil Burning up in the august heat Tall grass and butterflies Were all praying for breeze I’m going down

  • Carrie Underwood《Good Girl》:乡村音乐电视奖年度MV

    沪江英乐:这首《good girl》是当红乡村天后Carrie Underwood的全新个人录音室专辑《Blown Away》的主打歌,这张专辑于美国时间2012年5月1日正式发行。值得一提的是,这首主打单曲《Good Girl》早在美国时间2月23日发行,新作品不但由安德伍德亲自参与了作词作曲工作外,还邀请了著名乡村歌手Ashley Gorley以及Chris DeStefano助阵。近日,这首歌还获得2012年美国乡村音乐电视奖最高奖年度录影带奖。(查阅) 凯莉·安德伍德是2005年的选秀节目美国偶像的冠军。凯利参加美国偶像节目的时候还是一个高级学院的学生,和往届的美国偶像冠军不一样,凯

  • 乡村英文歌曲: Smoke Break

      歌曲:Smoke Break 艺人:Carrie Underwood 音乐星级:★★★★★ 所属专辑:Storyteller 发行年代:2015 风格:Country 相关介绍:  7座格莱美奖礼赞,全球6500万张唱片销售,21首跨榜冠军单曲,时代杂志全球百大影响力人物,乡村乐坛在位女王2015回归力作◎累绩包括精选共五张乡村专辑榜冠军后,动员乡村乐界三大名师联手掌舵13首真情故事第五张录音大碟◎主打〈Smoke Break〉强势空降告示牌乡村数位单曲榜冠军+热门乡村榜第5名. 歌词 She's a small-town hard-working woman Just trying



  • Taylor Swift着金色性感礼裙 现身美国乡村音乐学院奖

    (Taylor Swift在ACM Awards颁奖礼上的表演) Taylor Swift is one of the most successful singers of last year with her album Red going multi-[w]platinum[/w] in the U.S. alone. She sported a gown befitting Country royalty on Sunday, stealing the show at the Academy of Country Music Awards in Las Vegas in a stunning metallic dress. She wore her blonde hair straight and up in a chic [w]ponytail[/w], teaming the unusual chain-mail style old-gold gown with just a pair of [w]subtle[/w] jewelled earrings. Taylor is nominated for five awards at the 48th annual event and also team up with Tim McGraw and Keith Urban for a performance of the track Highway Don't Care. She swapped out her outfit to perform with Tim McGraw, and Keith Urban. The [w]trio[/w] sung Highway Don't Care. Taylor certainly made people care however, looking amazing in a gown which featured a heavily draped skirt and a nude [w]bodice[/w] with black [w]beading[/w]. 沪江娱乐快讯:美国当地时间4月7日晚,第48届美国乡村音乐学院奖颁奖典礼在拉斯维加斯举行。乡村歌手小天后泰勒·斯威夫特以一袭高贵的Dolce&Gabbana露背金色礼裙搭配精致的宝石耳环现身红毯,吸引了不少媒体的眼球。 据悉,在颁奖典礼前,泰勒已获得了5项提名,其中包括年度最佳艺人、年度最佳女歌手、年度最佳录影带奖等。但遗憾的是,在颁奖礼上泰勒与所有的奖项都檫肩而过。不过,泰勒和蒂姆·麦克洛以及凯斯·厄本的一曲合唱倒是给整个颁奖礼添上了浓墨重彩的一笔。这样看来,对于泰勒来说错过那些奖项也就不再显得那么遗憾了。

  • 抒情的乡村英文歌曲:Dirty Laundry

       歌曲:Dirty Laundry 艺人:Carrie Underwood 音乐星级:★★★★★ 所属专辑:Storyteller 发行年代:2015 风格:Country 相关介绍:  7座格莱美奖礼赞,全球6500万张唱片销售,21首跨榜冠军单曲,时代杂志全球百大影响力人物,乡村乐坛在位女王2015回归力作◎累绩包括精选共五张乡村专辑榜冠军后,动员乡村乐界三大名师联手掌舵13首真情故事第五张录音大碟◎主打〈Smoke Break〉强势空降告示牌乡村数位单曲榜冠军+热门乡村榜第5名. 歌词 That lipstick on your collar well it ain't my



  • Taylor Swif入围乡村音乐协会奖 创最年轻纪录

    沪江英乐讯  美国乡村音乐

  • 荷兰的欢快乡村音乐:So Incredible

    沪江英乐讯   Ilse Delange,来自荷兰的乡村音乐女歌手,她的嗓音有典型乡村乐的轻松韵味,1998年首张专辑World Of [w=hurt]Hurt[/w] 在美国取得成功。这首So [w]Incredible[/w]的欢快旋律,正适合周末前的这一天,为假期来个小预热。 Artist:Ilse Delange Song:So Incredible In the middle of the day, when the sun is aching. And I try to make my way, but the sidewalk's breaking. Watch me slip

  • 乡村音乐+Rap:Over & Over Again

    沪江英乐讯   2004年,美国老牌乡村歌手Tim McGraw与嘻哈天王Nelly合作了这首Over & Over Again,居然碰撞出了一种全新的country rap风格。country music和[w]rap[/w]就这样融合到一起了~这首歌也名列滚石评选的史上最赞20首合唱曲目(The 20 Most Memorable Duets of All Time ) Artist:Tim McGraw ft.Nelly Song:Over & Over Again Cause its all in my head I think about it over and over