• 口译实践中遇到这些问题该怎么办

    实践是检验学习成果的最好战场,可能会在实践中遇到各种各样的问题。英语口译的实践多是行家,气势迫人。当这种场面的即时传译,固然不可掉以较心,但也不应惊慌失措,而是要保持心态平衡,做到淸醒、从容、大方、冷静。译员要思想集中,排除杂念。   译语声音不能太小,要使最后排听众能听清楚。有传声器的,译员应控制自己的音量均衡,译速适当(一般宜中慢速)。还要注意听众的反应,如听众席中对译语内容、表达方式等有质疑和异议,要虚心倾听,主动纠正。   口译现场遇到的状况远不止这些。综上所述,成为一名合格的口译员,是需要不断努力的。必须努力做到译德正、译技精、译法灵、译语明。上文中所说的内容大家都记住了吗?英语翻译还有很多知识等着大家攻克,沪江网校课程正在等着你呢。



  • 口译实践干货:六个口译方法

    译者能流利地说外语,口译人员平时应该用外语自语,想到什么讲什么,看到什么说什么,可以形容眼前每一样事物,回忆以前所发生的事情,内容也可以随着自身水平的提高而不断加深。   这不但在操练 20至30次以后会使译员感到外语口语流利许多,而且最终能培养他们的外语演讲能力。   6、一句多译训练 ( Paraphrasing)   英语口译人员该怎么办呢?它不是一蹴而就的事,它需要长期的训练,才能熟能生巧。备考英语翻译译为汉语,即外语译为母语不同于母语译为外语。假如源语为母语,译员对于其听力和记忆往往不会有太大的问题,问题便存在于表达上。可以在口译训练中专门列出几讲操练一句多译,要求他们不要满足于一种本翻译方法,而要



  • 【口译实践】分享单车:论中国自行车的逆袭

    not extend, where it’s difficult to change from one kind of transport to another, it’s so easy to get where you want to go with Mobike," said Hu Hong, 29, who pedals to her Shanghai real-estate job. 29岁的胡红(音译)平时骑自行车去房地产公司上班,她表示:“有的地方没有地铁,有的地方很难换乘其他交通工具,有了摩拜很容易就能去自己想去的地方”。 Some Chinese cities started



  • 【口译实践】徐灿•《唐多令•感怀》英译




  • 【口译实践】徐灿•《满江红•有感》英译




  • 【口译实践】鱼玄机•《暮春即事》英译




  • 【口译实践】朱自清•《荷塘月色》




  • 高级口译听力实践练习26:民主化进程

    到了实实在在的民主训练,开始培育起民主意识和法制观念。[/cn][en]A sense of democracy has indeed grown from the most elementary village level election and from the election of the people familiar to the farmer voters. In the course of election, the farmers have received actual democratic training, from the process of registrating as voters, nominiting candidates, pre-electing and casting votes. This process has also [w=foster]fostered[/w] their sense of law.[/en] [cn]中国政府认为扩大基层民主,保证人民群众直接行使民主权利,依法管理自己的事情,创造自己的幸福生活,是社会主义民主最广泛的实践,并要求城乡基层政权机关和基层群众性自治组织都要健全民主选举制度,实行政务和财务分开,让群众参与讨论和决定基层公共事务和公益事业,对干部实行民主监督。[/cn][en]The chinese government holds that it is the most extensive practice of socialist democracy to expand grassroot democracy, ensure the people their right and direct election and allow the citizens to manage their own affairs in accordance with the law and build a happy life. The government requires all urban and grassroot organs of political power and grassroots self-governing organizations to perfect the democratic electoral system, separate administrative management from financial management and let the general public participate in the disccusion of and make decisions about grassroots-public wellfare concerns as well as exercise democratic supervision over [w=cadre]cadres[/w].[/en] 声明:沪江网高度重视知识产权保护,发现本网站发布的信息包含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将做相应处理。

  • 高级口译听力实践练习8:海滨国际宾馆

    酒吧等设施。宾馆内还有多功能厅,会议厅,华丽宽敞的宴会厅多座。一些国际标准保龄球馆,桌球房,游戏室,舞厅,商场,美容中心,桑拿浴等设施。[/cn][en]Haibin international hotel is one of china’s first university hotels authorized to accommodate international guests. The hotel has elegant and cozy standard rooms and luxury suites, all equiped with closed statellite system, central air conditioning, DDD, IDD, and many other services. The hotel boasts a multi-functinal hall, a conference hall, splendid and spacious banquet room, in addition to bowling alley of internatinal standards, a [w]billiard[/w] room, a game room, a ball room, a shop, a beauty saloon and [w]sauna[/w] bar facilities.[/en] [cn]宾馆的商务中心提供图文传真,复印,多语种打字及翻译,邮电,票房等服务。宾馆还随时提供客房送餐服务。宾馆曾多次安排国内外重要会议,接待经验丰富,并有足够供会议代表团旅游团体和使用的停车席位,是国内外教育界科技界文艺界专家学者以及其他各界人士开展学术研究和文化交流的理想场所。[/cn][en]The business center of the hotel features a variety of services including facsimile, photo copying, multi lingual word-typing and translation, post and tele-communication and ticket booking. On top of that, the hotel provides guests with room-service meals upon request. The hotel has successfully hosted quite a few important domestic and international conferences. Its recognized experience in providing adequate accommodations for such activities coupled with sufficient parking space for conference delegations and tourist groups, renders the hotel an ideal location of academic and culture exchange for international and chinese scholars and specialists in such fields as education, science and technology, and literary and art as well as for people with other professional backgrounds.[/en] [cn]我宾馆充分发挥大学宾馆的优势,为国内外宾客了解绚丽多彩的中国文化和民俗风情提供更多的机会。我们将以优良的服务欢迎全国各兄弟院校以及社会各界朋友前来做客。“服务第一,宾客至上”是我们一贯奉行的服务宗旨。[/cn][en]Our hotel maximizes its inherent strength as a university hotel to provide overseas guests with more opportunities to learn about the rich,wealthy and splendid chinese culture and folk customs. We warmly welcome guests from other colleges and universities and friends from all walks of life to stay with us and enjoy the excellent service we have to offer. We take it as the hotel’s all-time purpose and [w=bind]binding[/w] principle that sevice takes priority over everything else, our guests have the [w]precedence[/w] in all our concerns.[/en] 声明:沪江网高度重视知识产权保护,发现本网站发布的信息包含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将做相应处理。

  • 英语口译中遇到熟语和引语怎么办

    可见兮,永不能忘。山苍苍,野茫茫。山之上,国有殇。”:When Taiwan is mentioned, lots of feelings well up. I can’t help thinking of the late Mr. Yu Youren, a founding member of Guo Ming Dang, and participant of the revolution of 1911. He wrote a poem to express his grief over national division. He wrote such a poem: bury me on the highest mountain top so that I can get a sight of my mainland, mainland I see none, tears of sorrow cascade; bury me on the highest mountain top so I can get a glimpse of my hometown, hometown I see none, but it lived forever in my mind. The lofty sky is deeply blue, the vast openness not seen through, oh, boundless universe,would you hear me, and this elegy of this nation?   十四、技术性话题(Interpreting Technical Speeches)   译员常被戏称为“万金油”,意指什么领域都懂一点,但又不是专家。这也表明了译员必须涉猎广泛,在很短的三五天里通过上网搜索、阅读相关材料从而达到相当于演讲者的知识水平。其实,译员并没有什么天才基因,可以在短时间内掌握“863”计划顶尖技术或三聚氢胺的分子构成,只不过他们知道发言人和听众都是“心有灵犀”的业内人士,需要的只是一些连接术语的逻辑关系而已,这样译员在了解相关背景知识以及工作程序后,也能很好地起到桥梁作用。当然,应该鼓励学生最好尽量熟悉话题,有条件的还应该选择一个方向作深入研究获推荐有专业背景的人来做这一话题。例如:   原文:   1、中医认为,阴与阳存在于人体内,相互作用,互为依存。根据中医的哲学观,阴阳两者对立制约,互根互用,消长平衡,相互转化。阴阳平衡是健康的要素,阴阳失衡会影响健康,导致疾病。因此,中医十分重视调节阴阳以保平衡。   2、We were aboard two US Air Force craft that flew at night from the United Kingdom to Israel, then back through the Azores to Florida. The path allowed us to observe the meteors—some no bigger than agrain of sand—from an altitude of 11-and-a-half kilometers. Images of the meteors were fed through infrared spectrographic-instruments that can detect the unique chemical fingerprints of complex organic molecules of the type that may have seeded life on earth.   译文:   1、The TCM science maintains that yin and yang, (the two opposing and complementary principles in nature,) exist in human body, mutually functional and dependent. According to the philosophical view of TCM, the two aspects of yin and yang are mutually promoting, proportionally changing with the decrease of one resulting in, or from, the increase of the other, and mutually transformational. The balance of yin and yang is essential for the maintenance of good health. And if the balance is upset, health will be hurt and illness will develop. Therefore, TCM pays close attention to the effort of regulating yin and yang and maintaining an appropriate balance between the two.   2、我们乘坐两架美国空军的飞机,晚上从英国飞往以色列,然后经过亚速尔群岛,飞回佛罗里达,这条航线使我们能够从11500米的高度观察流星雨,有些流星微小如沙。流星颗粒被摄入红外线摄谱仪,它能探测到那种可能在地球上播种生命的复杂有机分子的独特化学痕迹。   想成为一名优秀的翻译人员,平时的训练是必不可少的,只有积累得多了,才口译时常碰到发言人颇有文采地(或为融洽宾主关系)引用对方国家的古典诗词和经典佳句。此时如果译能在正式场合下少出问题。上面这些知识点大家要好好练习,反复琢磨,领会其中的含义。沪江小编希望大家在瞬息万变的考试或者口译现场,能够发挥出自己最大的能力。

