• 虎头蛇尾要不得:演讲结尾怎样才出彩?

    后用此标题来演讲作为你的结束语,引发观众对你刚刚的演讲内容更深刻的思考。[/cn] 更多演讲技巧尽在【演讲技巧与有效沟通】课程   [en]#6 – Sing Song Close [/en][cn]#6—歌唱式结尾[/cn] [en]Ask the audience to repeat a phrase that you used several times in your speech.[/en][cn]请观众重复你在演讲中反复说过的一句话。[/cn] [en]#7 – Callback Close[/en][cn]#7—回忆式结尾[/cn] [en]Refer back to a story you told where some activity was not fully completed. Then pick up the story and close it around your theme.[/en][cn]重提你说过的一个不完整的故事,用它来切合你的主题,结束你的演讲。[/cn] [en]#8 – Movie Close[/en][cn]#8—电影式结尾[/cn] [en]Make a reference to a well-known movie or book.[/en][cn]参考一部著名的电影或书。[/cn] [en]#9 – Quotation Close[/en][cn]#9—引用式结尾[/cn] [en]Use a famous quotation to [w]harness[/w] the audience’s attention, much like turning on a spotlight.[/en][cn]用一句名言吸引观众的注意,就如打开一盏聚光灯一般。[/cn] [en]#10 – Third Party Close[/en][cn]10#—第三方式结尾[/cn] [en]Take the use of a quotation up a notch with the Third Party Close. Leverage the use of a quotation in context of your message. Use the [w]premise[/w] of that quotation to frame your finale so that it serves as a launching pad to lift your message high for the audience to more fully appreciate.[/en][cn]利用第三方式结尾来使用名言。通过你要传达的信息内容来衡量名言的用处。以那句名言为基础构造你的完美谢幕,让它成为你语言的发射台,让你说的话更好地被观众所接受。[/cn] 相关推荐:沪江演讲分站>>

  • 英语演讲:结尾 如何说?

    人情、促人行的作用。  巧引名言,让人回味  通过引用名言、警句、谚语、格言、诗句等作为结尾,不仅使语言表达得精炼、生动、富有节奏和韵律,而且还可以使演讲的内容丰富充实,具有启发性并增加感召力。第十三届全国英语演讲比赛第六名孙怡在演讲“Share with us your understanding of‘Either you’re somebody or youain’t nobody”’时这样结尾“1 want to end my speech with one of MichaelJordan’s famous s not how hard you push yourselfor your way;it'8something in you.You think you have to finish it.”用名言式结尾,能给演讲者的思想提供有力的证明增加演讲的可信度,显得更加优美、含蓄,睿智大气,具有较强的说服力和鼓舞作用。  以问作结,启发思考  以问句结尾有两种表现形式,一是提出问题引人深思,二是以反问的方式作总结。第九届全国英语演讲比赛冠军洪哗在演讲“Should therebe limits on how we display our love in public?What do you think is the bestway to express your feelings in public?”时这样结尾:“And the best scene inmy mind to show our love in public,is that we lay on the grass land in mycampus,and I read a part of Jane Eyre to him,and he read a part of OliverTwist to me.Don’t you think it is a romantic scene for the young lovers toshow their love to each other?”  临场应变  第七届全国英语演讲比赛“最具潜力选手奖”获得者张勇被问及“Should coHege students be allowed to get married?”时,这样答道:“Thankyou for your question and I think it’s really a good question to show how fast the society is developing.Istill remember that last year the contestant number twenty-four,also today’Shost,were asked about a question that what qualities you look for in aboyfriend.And only a year later here IⅢasked:Should college students beallowed to get married?I think the society is really developing.”他的随机应变带来的幽默博得了阵阵掌声与笑声。  另一位选手在回答“传统好还是现代科技好”时,他表示传统更好。正巧这时话筒架出问题了,男主持人只得为那名选手举着话筒让他发言。选手见状立即补充一句:“这充分说明传统更加可靠”。他的机敏回答也得演讲中的开头对演讲的重要性,其实演讲中的结尾也是很重要的。 如果你的开头说的很精彩,结尾到了评委和观众的认可。  看了以上的这些,是否会对你的演讲结尾是否有帮助呢? 小编在此啰嗦下:大家在演讲的结尾时切勿受汉语影响,说些类似“准备不足,请谅解”,“请批评指正”这样的话。最普通的结尾就是:thank you very much for your attention。



  • 英语演讲精彩结尾例子


  • 英语作文万能开头与结尾

    来了利弊两面,但最终取决于我们如何使用。作为负责任的个体,我们应该努力明智、道德地结尾是文章的亮点和收尾利用技术,创造更美好的未来。) 启发思考:提出一个问题或建议,鼓励读者进一步思考或行动。例如,“So, let us take an active role in protecting the environment and preserving our natural resources. Remember, small changes can make a big impact. Together, we can create a sustainable future for generations to come.”(因此,让我们积极参与

  • 结尾的英文

    杀了。 Finally summarise and reprise the main points. Finish with a strong and motivational summary. 接着你就可以开始说了,最后再总结和重复你的主要观点,结尾时的总结要富有力量和激发性。 The tail-end of the concert 音乐会的结尾 The adieu is charity itself 结尾那句话完全是大慈大悲。 Null terminated string 空结尾字符串 The latter part of the Book. 这部书的结尾部分 deliverable end item 可交付使用的结尾项目 It was an exciting finish. 比赛结尾是激动人心的。 ending是什么意思: n. 结局;结尾 Is the conference ended? 会谈结束了吗? To join or be joined end to end;abut. 首尾相连在末端相连或毗连;邻接 Tie this end to the pole but leave the other end free. 将这结尾的英文: ending wind up coda参考例句: End in; finish in 以..结尾 The film's violent ending is completely over the top. 影片结尾一端系在柱子上,让另一端松开著。 wind是什么意思: n. 风;吞下的气 v. 曲折而行;缠绕;使喘大气 The wind is blustering. 风在呼啸狂吹。 Wind power: Use of the energy in winds to produce power. 风力:利用风的能量来产生动力。 wind energy potential 风能潜力 coda是什么意思: n. 终结句,乐章结尾部,完结部 到沪江小D查看结尾的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 结头鞋的英文怎么说>> 结头的英文怎么说>> 结算期的英语怎么说>> 结算的英文怎么说>> 结束姿势用英文怎么说>>

  • 英文商务邮件结尾用语分享


  • 商务英语写作开头和结尾经典句型


  • 雅思大作文结尾段的最优写法

    结尾,这叫有始有终。但是很多人在雅思考试的时候因为时间的问题,结尾点在结尾段进行重述,但是不能出现与开头段或者题目中的单词重复。   E.g.4   *In many countries schools have severe problems

  • 英语写作万能开头和结尾句式


  • 商务英语书信开头结尾常用语

    商务英语信件的结尾部分是表达感谢和祝福的重要环节,同时也涉及到礼节和文化差异的注意事项。在商务沟通中,一个得体的结尾能够给对方留下良好的印象,增进双方合作关系。下面将介绍商务英语书信开头结尾常用语,欢迎大家阅读。 一、商业书信常用开头语  Opening Phrases & Sentences Generally Used In Business Letters (1)特此奉告等 To inform one of; To say; To state; To communicate; To advise one of; To bring to one's notice (knowledge