• 《美少女的谎言》季终时间确认

    会是Bella Thorne主演的新剧《Famous in Love》。[/cn] [en]The episodes will mark the conclusion of the seventh and final season of the show, the first half of which aired this year. Series creator I. Marlene King has teased that one of the Liars will get married before the end of the season.[/en][cn]《美少女的谎言》第七季将美少女的谎言》最后一季会是这部剧的最后一季,今年已经播出上半段。本剧制片人I. Marlene King透露,剧中一位美少女将会在季终前上演结婚的剧情。[/cn] [en]As previously announced, the series finale will be a two-hour episode .[/en][cn]之前曾有报道,《美少女的谎言》季终集将会是两小时的超长特别集。[/cn]

  • 《美少女的谎言》第三季将迎来两名新角色

    名为薇薇安•达克布鲁姆(Vivian Darkbloom)的艾莉森(Alison)在剧中藏身的那家精品店。”[/cn] [en]Next is Kenneth, a "middle-aged enigma who comes off as intimidating in large part because ... well, he's an enigma."[/en][cn]另一个将在剧中出现的新角色是“一位神秘莫测的中年男人”肯尼斯(Kenneth),这个角色“令人害怕,因为......到目前为止,他还是个迷。”[/cn] [en]Middle-aged, huh? We wonder if he's involved with one or both of any of the Liars' parents? Because we aren't sure why he'd be involved with the girls...[/en][cn]一个中年大叔? 我们怀疑他是否与某些小美女的父母们有密切联系,因为我们不确定这个大叔为什么会和她们扯上关系......[/cn] [en]"Pretty Little Liars" premieres Tuesday, June 5 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC Family.[/en][cn]《美少女的谎言》将于美国东部时间或美国太平洋时间6月5日(周二)晚8点在ABC家庭频道(ABC Family)首播[/cn]

  • 《美少女的谎言》第七季:Hanna Marin不见了?

    美少女的谎言》第七季报上,让人不禁对第七季的剧情浮想联翩。[/cn] [en]We already know writer and producer Marlene King isn’t afraid of a little bit of tragedy and drama (CiCi didn’t last long in season six), but would she go as far as killing Hanna off?![/en][cn]我们都知道编剧兼制作人Marlene King从不介意让自己的剧染上一些悲剧和戏剧色彩(CiCi在第六季中酒没活多久),但是她也不至于让Hanna在剧中死去吧?![/cn] [en]Over the series, Hanna has already been through her fair share

  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季6月10日回归

    [en]ABC Family has announced premiere dates for its summer schedule. In addition to returns for "Pretty Little Liars," "Switched at Birth" and "The Fosters," three new series -- "Chasing Life," "Young & Hungry" and "Mystery Girls" -- will premiere.[/en][cn]ABC家庭频道今日宣布该台的6部夏季美剧的开播时间,包括《美少女的谎言》《扭曲青春》和《如此一家人》的回归时间,和新剧《Young&Hungry》以及《Mystery Girls》的新季开播时间。[/cn] [en]"Pretty Little Liars" Season 5 is first with its premiere airing Tuesday, June 10 at 8 p.m. ET/PT.[/en][cn]《美少女的谎言》第五季将会率先于6月10日回归。[/cn] [en]"Switched at Birth" returns Monday, June 16 at 8 p.m. to continue its third season, followed by the Season 2 premiere of "The Fosters" at 9 p.m.[/en][cn]《扭曲青春》第三季将会于6月16日回归,当晚稍晚回归的是《如此一家人》的第二季。[/cn] [en]Two new comedies premiere Wednesday, June 25 -- "Young & Hungry" at 8 p.m. and "Mystery Girls" at 8:30 p.m. [/en][cn]《Young&Hungry》以及《Mystery Girls》这两部喜剧将会在6月25日晚前后开播。[/cn]

  • 《美少女的谎言》第三季:关于加勒特的剧透

    ] [en]Catch an all-new Pretty Little Liars when Season 3 premieres on Tuesday, June 5 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC Family.[/en][cn]《美少女的谎言》第三季将于美国东部/太平洋时间6月5日(周二)晚8点首播。[/cn]

  • 《美少女的谎言》第三季海报发布 6月5日精彩回归!

    进了精神病院。就看看四位女主挑起的眉头和装甲般的高跟鞋吧![/cn] [en]Who is it? Ha ha ha. Like we'd tell you even if we knew. But according to executive producer Marlene King, A 2.0 is "just as [w]dangerous[/w] as Mona, but in a different way" and their [w]reign[/w] of [w]terror[/w] will begin once Aria, Hanna, Spencer and Emily get themselves into hot water shortly after commemorating the [w]anniversary[/w] of Ali's death.[/en][cn]新的敌人是谁?就算我们知道也不会告诉你!但据执行制片人玛琳·金表示,第二代A“就和梦娜一样危险,但却是通过一种完全不同的方式。” 就当艾瑞亚,汉娜,斯宾塞和艾米丽在参加完艾莉森的遇害纪念日后打算洗个热水澡时,第二代A将发动他的恐怖反击。[/cn] [en]So [w]soak[/w] in the [w]glamour[/w] of our girls and start cooking up your theories. Who do you think is gonna turn the heat on the girls this summer? [/en][cn]欣赏四位主角的美照同时也别忘了开始推测全新的剧情,今年夏天谁会对小美女发动攻击?[/cn]

  • 《美少女的谎言》和《谎言游戏》确定回归日期

    (January 8) at 8/7c, followed by new episodes of The Lying Game at 9/8c. [/en] [cn] 沪江英语:《美少女的谎言》(Pretty Little Liars)将在2013年1月8日回归ABC家庭台。ABC家庭台还宣布了《心舞》(Bunheads)、《错位青春》(Switched at Birth)和《谎言游戏》(The Lying Game)的回归日期。喜剧《心舞》第二季将在2013年1月7日播出,剧情将从第一季大结局之后几个月后展开。互换身份的《错位青春》将在今晚(美国时间10月22日)播出第一季大结局,随后将播出《心舞》。《美少女的谎言》将在明天(美国时间10月23日)播出万圣节特集,其新一季将在2013年1月8日播出,当天随后将播出《谎言游戏》的新一季。    [/cn]

  • 【美少女的谎言】Never Letting Go

    测试关注   详情戳我看美少女谎言第二季第6集>> <[b]听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号[/b]> T: Hanna. I miss being around for these kind of things, and I was kind of hoping you would be a little more excited that I was here. H: [u]     1   [/u] It's her you're hanging around here for, not me. T: [u]     2   [/u] H: Yeah, what's with the whole "Pals who drink martinis" act? Cooking dinner together, long talks on the patio? You're here more than you're at your hotel, and now you have a spare key? T: [u]     3   [/u] H: No, I see the way you look at her! [u]     4   [/u] T: [u]     5   [/u] H: You can't even admit it, can you? T: Hanna. H: You know what? I've got homework. [b]【美少女谎言】的节目,欢迎订阅~[/b] No, you're staying here because you're still in love with mom. Your mom and I are getting along better. We've turned a corner. Stop using me as an excuse. Hanna, there's nothing going on between us. T: Hanna,我很怀念在你们身边的日子。我希望我在这里的时候,你能高兴点。 H: 不,你留在这里是因为你还爱着妈妈。她才是你在这里待着的原因,我不是。 T: 你妈妈和我只是关系有所改善。 H: 是啊,那上次“跟朋友一起喝马提尼”是怎么回事?还有一起做饭,在院子里长谈呢?你在这里的时间比你待在宾馆的还长,而现在你还有后备钥匙? T: 那些事已经过去了。 H: 不,我看美少女谎言第二季到你看她时的眼神了!不要再拿我当借口了。 T: Hanna,我们之间没什么。  H: 你甚至都不敢承认,是吗? T: Hanna。 H: 别说了,我要做作业了。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 【美少女的谎言】S02E09(02)Picture This

    详情戳我看美少女谎言第二季第9集>> <[b]听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号[/b]> E: Byron and I will take turns staying with him, and hopefully we'll be able to get a handle on what's going on. [u]     1   [/u] Okay, thanks, Jean. B: What was that about? E: Just letting Mike's guidance counselor know what our plan is. B: Wait. [u]     2   [/u] Now, does he think he's staying home next week too? E: I told him he needed a few days that... B: Where is he now? E: He's in his room. Byron, wait... Before you barrel in there... B: Why are we indulging him? E: [u]     3   [/u] Okay, we know why he's acting out. He made that perfectly clear to me. B: No, listen. Ella, he did not break into a house because of you. Okay, he cannot blame his behavior on anyone but himself. E: [u]     4   [/u] B: Well... he's got to get back to school. E: [u]     5   [/u] I spoke to a few of his teachers, and he's completely checked out. B: Then it is our job to get him to check back in. [b]【美少女谎言】的节目,欢迎订阅~[/b] He should be back Thursday, maybe Friday at the latest. Our plan was that Mike was gonna stay home from school for one day. Because I don't think punishing him any further right now is the answer. I'm just saying, if you want him to open up and let us know what's going on, alienating him is probably not the best approach. I'm not sure he's there when he's there. E: Byron 和我会轮流陪着他,希望我们能弄清楚发生了什么事吧。他周四应该会回学校,或者最晚周五。好的,谢谢,Jean。 B: 你们说什么了? E: 只是告诉 Mike 的辅导员我们的打算。 B: 等等,我们不是只打算让 Mike 请一天假吗?现在他觉得他下周也不用去学校了吗? E: 我告诉他他需要一段时间来…… B: 他在哪里? E: 他在房间。Byron, 等等……在你冲进去之前…… B: 我们为什么要纵容他? E: 因为我认为再度惩罚他也解决不了问题。好吧,我们知道他为什么这样做。他已经对我说得很清楚了。 B: 不,听着,Ella。他私闯民宅不是因为你。没有人该为他的行为负责,除了他自己。 E: 我只是说,如果你想他敞开心扉,让我们知道事情的来龙去脉,疏远他可能不是最好的方法。 B: 但他也得回学校啊。 E: 我恐怕他是人到心不到。我跟他的几个老师谈美少女谎言第二季过了,他早就不去学校了。 B: 那我们的义务就是送他回学校。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 【美少女的谎言】S02E10(08)Touched By An 'a'-ngel

    详情戳我看美少女谎言第二季第10集>> <[b]听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号[/b]> E: Actually, there was one other thing. I feel kind of strange even bringing it up, but earlier this year, there were some rumors about Mr. Fitz being involved with a student. A: Yeah. E: [u]     1   [/u] But maybe I shouldn't have. A: Shouldn't