• 打电话场景下可能用到的英语表达

    对了 挂电话 对方先挂电话: Thank you for calling, please call back if you have additional questions. 感谢您的来电,如果有其他问题,请回电。 Thank you so much for your call. If you need any additional help. Please call back at XXXXXX. 非常感谢您的来电。如果您需要任何其他帮助请致电XXXXXX。 Thanks for calling. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. 感谢您致电,希英语打电话是口语应用中的高频场景,大家有没有类似的经历呢?接打电话望你能享受剩下的一天。 你先挂电话: I have to go now. 我得挂电话了。 I guess I'd better get going. 我该挂电话了。 Thank you for your time. 感谢您的时间。 Thanks for your help. Have a nice day. 谢谢您的帮助,祝您今天过得愉快。 打电话场景英语口语表达大家都学会了多少呢?还想了解哪些内容,可以来这里告诉我们。如果您对英语学习感兴趣,想要深入学习,可以了解沪江网校精品课程,量身定制高效实用的个性化学习方案,专属督导全程伴学,扫一扫领200畅学卡。

  • 电话英语:如何拨打商务电话?


  • 商务英语电话口语大全

    人在。/ Nobody answered. 没人接。/ No. I got the answering machine. 没有! 是录音机。   情况 (十三) 电话打不通   A:Did it go through? (电话)打通了吗?   B:The line was busy. 电话忙线。/ I got the busy signals.. 电话忙线。   情况 (十四) (因自己忙等原因)请别人去接电话   A:Paul, can you answer the phone? I’m busy. Paul, 你能不能去接电话? 我在忙。/ Can you get it, Paul? My hands are tied. Paul, 你能不能去接电话? 我现在不英语学习中,有关生活的各个方面的商务英语大家都要了解,下文中主要为大家介绍商务英语电话口语能接。   B:Yes, dear. 是的, 亲爱的。   情况 (十五) 接到无人电话(就是打来了却不说话的那种)   A:Who called? 谁打来的?   B:No one. He hung up on me. 没人。他把电话挂了。/ Wrong number, I guess. He hung up without saying a word. 打错了, 我想。他一句话也没说就把电话挂了。   以上就是为大家介绍的商务英语电话口语,大家都了解了吗?希望以上的内容能够切实帮助到大家,进一步提升自己的学习能力。更多有关商务英语口语学习知识,可关注沪江网查询。

  • 商务电话对话英语

    在商务活动中,信息意味着商机,信息意味着财富,因此,电话、传真、电子邮件等成为人们必不可少的通讯联络方式。今天我们为大家整电话、传真、电理了商务电话对话英语,希望能够对大家有所帮助。 商务电话对话英语1 A:Mr. Smith, please. A: 我想请史密斯先生讲话。 B:I'm sorry, Mr. Smith won't be in until this afternoon. B: 对不起,史密斯先生在今天下午才能回来。 A:May I leave a message? A: 我可以留个话给他吗? B:Certainly. B: 当然可以。 A:Please ask him to call

  • 常用商务英语电话口语句型


  • 打电话常用的英语表达方式


  • 常用商务英语电话对话

    商务英语不是万能的,但是也不是单独存在的,很多的外企都需要员工有更加专业的英语能力。今天我们为大家整英语不是万能的,但是也不是单独存在的,很多的外企都需要员工有更加专业的英语能力。今天我们为大家整理了常用商务英语电话对话,欢迎大家阅读。 常用商务英语电话对话 场景1:询问电话号码(Asking for a phone number) A: Richard? Do you have the number for that Chinese restaurant on the corner? B: Yeah, hold on a second. I’ve got it in my office. Here it is. 553-2213. A: 553-2213. Great, thanks. B: No problem. Pick me up something to eat too, please. 场景2:问询客户信息(Asking for a client’s information) A: When would you like me to send those plans over to your office, Mr. Hunt? B: It would be good if you could get them to me by Thursday afternoon, Ms. Barkley. A: That shouldn’t be a problem. What is the exact address, again? B: 7880 Crofton Avenue, Building 40A, Room 304. 场景3:对话的结尾表达( Ending a conversation) A: Well, I’d better get back to work. I’ve got a ton of stuff on my desk! B: Me too. I’ll see you after work, huh? A: Yeah, definitely. I was hoping to catch a ride with you. B: Sure. Meet me at five. 场景4:终止对话(Finishing a conversation) A: All right then, Ms. Hunt. I’ll get those plans over to your office by Thursday afternoon. B: Great. That will give me time to talk with my staff before I make final decision. A: That’s what I was thinking. I’ll have them there by Thursday. B: Good news. Thanks for getting things done so quickly. 场景5:销售对话( Ending a sales talk) A: Well, I’m glad I had a chance to see these samples, but I’m really not in a position to make a decision right now. B: Would you like me to leave the samples with you? A: Yeah, why don’t you do that, and then you can give me a call sometime next week. B: Fine, Mr. Grant. Thanks for your time. I’ll talk to you next week. 场景6:询问截止日期( Asking about deadlines) A: Hi, Mark! I was wondering if you finished that presentation you were working on last week? B: Just about. It should be done in the next couple of days. Why? A: Mr. Rod was asking me about it yesterday. B: I’ll give him a call. 高频商务英语办公对话 场景1:商务会面( Making a sales appointment) A: Good morning, Mr. Emory. I was hoping to set up an appointment with you for sometime this week. B: Hmm. I’m pretty booked up this week. Let’s move it up to next week. A: Fine, Mr. Emory. Would next Monday at 4:00 o’clock be all right for you? B: Let me take a look. All right, that’s no problem. See you then. 场景2:培训预约(Training appointment) A: Paul, can I set up a time with you to go over the training manual? B: Sure. Let me just grab my calendar. All right. I’m free all day Tuesday and Thursday morning. A: Tuesday morning is good for me. How about 10:30 in my office? B: Okay. Sounds good. See you then. 场景3:必要的会议(A mandatory meeting) A: Paul? I need to work out a time to get together with your people. B: Does everybody need to be there? Hilary and Jason are on vacation this week. A: It would be best if everybody could be there. How about next week sometime? B: Let me take a look at the schedule. I’ll get back to you this afternoon, all right? 场景4:员工会议(Setting up a staff meeting) A: We’re going to need everybody’s input on this project. So I’d like to fix a time to meet next week and hear what you all have to say. B: I’d prefer to meet in the morning. I’m going to be out of the office most afternoons next week. A: I don’t have any problem with that. Let’s set it up for 9:30 Wednesday morning. We can carry it over to Thursday if we need to. B: That’s fine. What do the rest of you think? 以上就是为大家整理的常用商务英语电话对话,希望能够对大家有所帮助。常用商务英语电话对话除了这些还有很多,如果大家的能力不行,可以多练习,多提升。

  • 如何用英语询问别人正在和谁打电话

    到了一个电话,不确定对方是谁,可以用这种方式询问对方的身份。 “Can I ask who you’re speaking with?”(我可以问一下你在和谁通话吗?)这是一种比较正式的表达方式,通常用在正式场合或商务谈判中。 以上是几种常见的用英语询问别人正在和谁通电话的方式。在实际对话中,根据不同情境和关系,选择合适的表达方式会更加得体。 除了询问对方正在通话的对象,我们也可以用其他方式来表达这个意思。例如,你可以说 “I see you are on the phone. Do you mind if I ask who you are talking to?”(我看你在通电话,我可以问一下你在跟谁通话吗?)这种方式更委婉,表达了一种征求对方同意的态度。 在日常交流中,用电话时,用英语进行询问是非常常见的。在日常生活中,这种情况经常发生,所以知道如何用英语地道的英语询问对方正在和谁通电话是非常常见的情景。掌握这些表达方式可以帮助你更流利地与他人交流,并丰富你的日常用语表达方式。希望这些表达方式能够对你有所帮助,让你在英语对话中更加得心应手。   如果您对英语学习感兴趣,想要深入学习,可以了解沪江网校精品课程,量身定制高效实用的个性化学习方案,专属督导全程伴学,扫一扫领200畅学卡。

  • 商务英语打电话对话范文


  • 英语接电话对话口语

    打来。 I'll call again in one hour later我一个小时后再打来。 I'll call back later我稍候再打过来。 Could you ask him to call me back?能不能请他回电? How can I get in touch with him?我怎样才能和他联系? What's the easiest way to contact him?什么方法可以最快找到他? Could you hold a moment, please?你能稍等一会儿吗? He'll be with you in a moment过一会儿他就会接你电话了。 Can you hold on, please?你能稍等一会儿吗? Just a moment,He is on his way now请稍待一下。他马上来接电话。 Could you hold on any longer?你能再稍待一会儿吗? I'm sorry to keep you waiting抱歉让你等待。 I'm sorry to have kept you waiting抱歉让你久英语的学习已经变的越来越重要,尤其是电话口语,是经常会用到的。今天我们为大家整理了英语等了。 He is on a business trip他正在出差。 He is not in right now他现在不在。 He is off today他今天休假。 电话常用的口语有很多,这些都是需要在日常交流过程中不断的总结,不断的提升。相信只要努力坚持,都可以拥有流利的口语。