• 高频成语的地道英文翻译

    已经做好,剩下不可控的因素就看老天了,也就是“谋事在人,成事在天”。 I believe in the saying, “Man proposes, God disposes.” 我坚信这句俗语:“谋事在人,成事在天。” 上成语,这是我们的文化瑰宝。恰当使用成语,能为我们的表达增分。但到了要用英语文中的内容大家都了解清楚了吗?如果还想继续学习的话,可以来网校提升。如果您对英语学习感兴趣,想要深入学习,可以了解沪江网校精品课程,量身定制高效实用的个性化学习方案,专属督导全程伴学,扫一扫领200畅学卡。

  • CATTI备考中中文成语用英文怎么说

      每年都有很多小伙伴报考口译考试,而很多人想要顺利通过考试,但就是没有掌握一定的备考技巧。下文中要与大家分享的是CATTI备考中中文成语用英文怎么说,希望大家可以采纳。   1、There’s no use crying over spilt milk.   覆水难收(或“Spilt water is hard to recover.”)   2、The early bird gets the worm.   捷足先登 (或“A fast foot is first to climb.”)   3、Misery loves company.   同病相怜(或“Patients with similar conditions empathize with each other.”)   4、We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.   船到桥头自然直 (或“The ship will reach the end of the bridge in due course.”)   5、What goes around, comes around.   善有善报,恶有恶报 (或“Kind deeds pay rich dividends, evil is repaid with evil.”)   种瓜得瓜 (或“As you sow a melon, so you shall reap one.”)   种豆得豆(或“As you sow a bean, so you shall reap one.”)   6、Like father, like son.   有其父必有其子 (或“The son is like his father.”)   虎父无犬子 (或“A tiger does not father a dog.”)   7、A friend in need is a friend indeed.   患难见真情 (或“In adversity, true feelings are revealed.”)   8、No pain, no gain; nothing ventured, nothing gained.   不入虎穴,焉得虎子 (或“If you don’t enter the tiger’s den, how will you get the tiger’s cub?”)   9、Don’t put off until tomorrow what can be done today.   今日事,今日毕(或“Today’s task, today’s job to complete.”)   10、If you want something done well, do it yourself.   求人不如求己 (或“It’s better to rely on yourself than on the help of others.”)   11、Once bitten, twice shy.   一 朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 (或“Bitten by a snake on one morning, afraid of the rope by the well for ten years.”)   12、All good things come to an end.   人无千日好,花无百日红 (或“There is no person that has 1000 good days in a row, and no flower that stays red for 100 days.”)   13、When in Rome, do as the Romans do.   入乡随俗 (或“When entering a village, follow its customs.”)   14、When it rains, it pours.   屋漏偏逢连夜雨 (或“When the roof is leaking, that’s when you get several continuous nights of rain.”)   一波未平,一波又起 (或“Just as one wave subsides, another one comes.”)   喝口凉水都能塞牙缝 (或“Even water gets stuck in your teeth.”)   15、Two heads are better than one.   三个臭皮匠,胜过诸葛亮 (或“Three unskilled cobblers are superior to one Zhu GeLiang.”)   16、Easy come, easy go.   三十年河东,三十年河西 (或“Thirty years on the east side of the river, thirty years on the west side of the river.”)   17、There’s more than one way to skin a cat.   山不转路转 (或“A mountain cannot turn, but a road can.”)   18、Practice makes perfect.   熟能生巧 (或“Experience can give way to skill.”)   上述就是为大家介绍的CATTI备考中中文成语用英文怎么说,相信大家通过以上这些内容对此也有所收获,提升自己CATTI口译备考的效果。

  • 英语四级作文常用的成语及谚语翻译


  • 英语成语故事:指鹿为马

    听他摆布,有多少人反对他,他心中没底。于是,他想了一个办法,准备试一试自己的威信,同时也可以摸清敢于反对他的人。 一天上朝时,赵高让人牵来一只鹿,满脸堆笑地对秦二世说:“陛下,我献给您一匹好马。”秦二世一看,心想:这哪里是马,这分明是一只鹿嘛!便笑着对赵高说:“丞相搞错了,这里一只鹿,你怎么说是马呢?”赵高面不改色心不跳地说:“请陛下看清楚,这的确是一匹千里马。”秦二世又看了看那只鹿,将信将疑地说:“马的头上怎么会长角呢?”赵高一转身,用手指着众大臣,大声说:“陛下如果不信我的话,可以问问众位大臣。” 大臣们都被赵高的一派胡言搞得不知所措,私下里嘀咕:这个赵高搞什么名堂?是鹿是马这不是明摆着吗!当看到赵高脸上露出阴险的笑容,两只眼睛骨碌碌轮流地盯着赵高脸上露出阴险的笑容,两只眼睛骨碌碌轮流地盯着每个人的时候,大臣们忽然明白了他的用意。 一些胆小又有正义感的人都低下头,不敢说话,因为说假话,对不起自己的良心,说真话又怕日后被赵高所害。有些正直的人,坚持认为是说明书而不是马。还有一些平时就紧跟赵高的奸佞之人立刻表示拥护赵高的说法,对皇上说,“这确是一匹千里马!” 事后,赵高通过各种手段把那些不顺从自己的正直大臣纷纷治罪,甚至满门抄斩。 故事出自《史记·秦始皇本纪》。成语“指鹿为马”比喻故意颠倒是非,混淆黑白。  



  • 英语成语故事:对牛弹琴(双语)

    牛犊寻找伙伴的眸眸叫唤声。这样一来,这头牛竟然不吃草了,抬起头,竖着耳朵,甩着尾巴,迈着小步,留心地倾听起来。[/cn] 词汇学习: ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt]古代的;古老的 好了,以上就是关于“英语成语故事:对牛弹琴”的介绍,听完了今天的故事要尝试着将它复述出来哦。这则故事是比喻对不讲道理的人讲道理,对不成语故事懂得美的人讲风雅;也用来讥讽人讲话时不看对象。希望以上的内容能给大家的英语学习有所帮助。



  • 英语成语故事:指鹿为马(双语)

    众所周知,文字是文化的一种载体,学习任何一个字,不只是了解读音和形状,学英语也是如此。 下面是小编整理的一篇英语成语故事:指鹿为马, 看看你能语也是如此。 下面是小编整理的一篇英语读懂多少? [en]In Qin dynasty, there was a powerful and evil counselor named Zhao Gao。[/en][cn]在秦朝,有个很得势的奸臣叫赵高。[/cn] [en]Zhao Gao wanted to rebel, but he didn't know how many people in the court would stand by his side。[/en][cn]赵高想造反,但是又不知道群臣中有多少人会支持他。[/cn] [en]So he worked out a way to test the people。[/en][cn]于是他想了个办法来测试。[/cn] [en]He presented a deer as a tribute to the emperor in front of the court, and said that it was a swift horse。[/en][cn]他在群臣面前送了一头鹿给皇上,并说这是一匹千里马。[/cn] [en]The emperor not accepting his statement said, "This is obviously a deer."[/en][cn]皇上不信,说“这明明是鹿啊。”[/cn] [en]Then, Zhao Gao took this opportunity to ask the court, "Is this a deer or a horse?"[/en][cn]然后赵高借机问各位大臣,“这是鹿还是马?”[/cn] [en]In the court, those who didn't dare to go against Zhao Gao agreed with him and said that it was a horse, those who dared to go against Zhao Gao said that it was a deer。[/en][cn]在大臣中,不敢反抗赵高的都赞同说是马,敢于反对赵高的说是鹿。[/cn] [en]Later, Zhao Gao remembered the counselors who didn't agree with him and persecuted them to solidify his power。[/en][cn]后来,赵高记住了这些反对他的人并加以迫害,以巩固自己的势力。[/cn] [en]This story is still popular even today. People use this idiom to describe someone who calls white black。[/en][cn]这个故事流传至今,人们用这个成语来形容一个人颠倒黑白。[/cn] 词汇学习: Qin dynasty秦朝 many people众人 present [ˈprɛzənt] 目前,现在,礼物 (presented是present的过去式形式) in front of面前; 在…前面; 当着…的面 swift horse千里马 dare to敢于 emperor [ˈɛmpərə]皇帝;君主 popular [ˈpɒpjʊlə] 流行的;受欢迎的 好了,以上的成语故事:指鹿为马,告诉了我们不可以颠倒黑白,也就是不可以指鹿为马。即使取得了一时的成功,但是终究也逃不过事实的评判。



  • 英语成语故事:后来居上(双语)

    上升,公孙弘当上了丞相,张汤做语也是如此。 下面是小编整理的一篇英语上了御史大夫,可他汲黯还蹲在原地没动窝。有一天,汲黯对武帝说,陛下使用群臣,跟码劈柴一样,是“后来者居上”啊!汉武帝当然听得出这是发牢骚。于是,转脸对臣下们说:“人真是不能不学习啊!你们听汲黯说话,越来越离谱了!”[/cn] [en]This story comes from The Historical Records. Later generations use the set phrase "the latecomers surpass the old-timers " to indicate that successors can cxcel the predecessors, which is quite different from the original idea when Ji An said that the latecomers surpassed the old-timers.[/en][cn]故事出自《史记·汲郑列传》。成语“后来居上”,往往指后起的可以胜过先前的。和汲黯说这话的原意,大不相同。[/cn] 词汇学习: policy of benevolence仁政 Confucianism孔教,儒教; 孔子学说,儒教,儒家 no need用不着 avaricious ['ævə'riʃəs]贪婪的,贪得无厌的; at court当庭 because of因为,由于; 基于 a little少量地,稍许地; 少量的,稍许的  好了,以上的成语故事:后来居上,告诉了我们后来的超过先前的,用以称赞后起之秀超过前辈。



  • 雅思写作口语中可能会用到的成语

    则有例外 An exception to the rule. 53. 人多好办事 Many hands make light work. 54. 机会不再 Opportunity only knocks once. 55. 历史总是重演 History tends to repeat itself. 56. 忠言逆耳 Advice most needed is least heeded. 57. 大军出动,粮草先行 An army marches on its stomach. 58. 如无近虑,必有后忧 Better be safe than sorry. 59. 死有重于泰山,有轻于鸿毛 Beter to die with honor than live with shame. 60. 良药苦口 Bitter pills may have blessed effects. 61. 人要衣装 Clothes make the man. 62. 多作孽必自毙 Crime does not pay. 63. 人非圣贤 Every man has his faults. 64. 愚公移山 Faith will move mountains. 65. 事有先后 First things first. 66. 得寸进尺 Give him an inch and he'll want a yard. 67. 内在美胜于外在美 Goodness is better than beauty. 68. 坐失良机 He who hesitates is lost. 69. 金钱非万能 Money isn't everything. 70. 没有不劳而获 No pain, no gain. 71. 见风转舵 See which way the wind is blowing. 72. 聊胜于无 Something is better than nothing. 73. 眼睛是灵魂之窗 The eyes are window of the soul. 看了上成语是我们文化的瑰宝,我们在日常生活中也经常用到。其实英语中也会说到这个部分,比如考试中如果运用了地道的成语面的内容,相信大家也能积累一些知识了。考生在雅思考试中经常会用到一些汉语中的成语,但是一般的表达都不是很地道。但是如果我们适当地能够使用地道的英语成语,可以使我们的口语和写作成绩及再上一个台阶。

  • 中英双语成语故事:画龙点睛

    成语故事是;画龙点睛。字面的意思是​画龙之后再点上眼睛。这个成语走了。” 周先生摇头说:“你吹牛。我不相信。” 李先生也不生气,只是拿起笔给龙点上眼睛。哇!龙真的飞走了。[/cn] 词汇学习: dragon [ˈdræɡən]龙;凶暴的人;悍妇 paintbrush 画笔 好了,以上就是关于“英语成语故事:画龙点睛”的介绍,听完了今天的故事要尝试着将它复述出来哦。这则故事是比喻写文章或讲话时,在关键处用几句话点明实质,使内容更加生动有力。希望以上的内容能给大家的英语学习有所帮助。



  • 2022年9月六级翻译预测:成语篇

    大家好,距离9月四六级考试还有4天,本阁主(ID:hujiangcet)为了帮助广大考生过级,为大家选取最有可能考的翻译题材、段落,供大家日常练习用。 2022年6月四六级翻译考到了成语翻译,今天阁主整理了类似主题的翻译段落,希望能帮到大家~  声明:押题只是练习翻译手感,积累话题词汇,练习常考句式结构,切勿迷信。 以上就是今天的内容了 大家一定要多多练习哦~