• 《绝望的主妇》S07E13学习笔记:Paul Young将要惩罚他的妻子


  • 看美剧学英语之绝望的主妇(12):吻的含义


  • 看美剧学英语之绝望的主妇(11):生命中重要之人


  • 看美剧学英语之绝望的主妇(10):脆弱的信任


  • 看美剧学英语之绝望的主妇(9):怜悯之光


  • 美剧天天秀: 绝望的主妇 S01E08

    : widely 英[ˈwaɪdlɪ] 美[waɪdli] adv. 广泛地;普遍地   sinner 英['sinə] 美['sinə] n. 罪人,不知礼仪的人,无赖   newlywed 英['nju:liwed] 美['nju:liwed] n. 新婚的人,新婚夫妇 想要得到主持人专业的点评和意见吗?快来节目现场一试身手吧>>    

  • 【绝望的主妇】S01E06 Women and their mothers-in-law

    ... Gabrielle had suffered one defeat after another. And now that Juanita suspected her daughter-in-law of having an affair, it had became increasingly apparent that in this war ... no prisoners would be taken. 郊区(居民的生活方式)就是战场,讲述的就是各种类型的家庭斗争。丈夫和妻子冷战,父母和子女不和,而最激烈的战斗总是发生在媳妇和婆婆之间。对于Carlos控制权的争夺开始于他求婚之后。一开始

  • 【绝望的主妇】S03E02 完美夫妇

    Hints:  无 Have you met the perfect couple. The two soulmates, whose love never dies. The two lovers, whose relationship is never threatened. The husband and wife who trust each other completely. If you haven't met the perfect couple. Let me introduce you, they stand atop a layer of butter cream frosting. The secret of their success? Well... for starters, they don't have to look at each other. 你有没有遇到过完美的夫妇——这对灵魂伴侣,他们的爱至死不渝;这对真心恋人,他们的感情从不受过威胁;丈夫和妻子,完全信任对方? 如果你不曾遇见过这样的眷侣,那由我来向你介绍:他们就是站在婚礼蛋糕顶层上的那两位。他们成功的秘诀?嗯…他们从一开始就不需要彼此对望。 翻译:1st_Moment 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • “绝望主妇”霍夫曼与《无耻之徒》主演丈夫一同留名星光大道

    The Desperate Housewives actress and partner William, who stars in the US [w]version[/w] of TV hit Shameless, were awarded the rare honour during a ceremony in Los Angeles. Felicity – whose co-stars Marcia Cross and Vanessa Williams turned up to show their support – laughed as her husband danced on top of the star and pretended to fall asleep on it. During their [w]acceptance[/w] speech, William – who married Felicity in 1997 – joked: “The first time I saw Felicity she was doing a scene for acting class wearing a silk, cream-coloured blouse with no bra. I thought, ‘Man, this girl is talented’.” Felicity quipped in return: “The first time I saw Bill, he was wearing an Izod shirt with a tie. I thought ‘Man, is his wife gorgeous’.” The actress, looking chic in a black shift dress and matching heels, told E! News at the event that she’d be sad to see Desperate Housewives wrap after eight seasons. “I still get chills when I arrive at the Universal gates,” she confessed. “It may be time, but it’s sad. We’re a family, I love the show.” 好莱坞有句老话说,如果夫妇俩能一起在星光大道留名,他们就永远不会分开。3月8日,《绝望主妇》女星菲丽西提·霍夫曼和《无耻之徒》男星威廉姆·H·梅西夫妇迎

  • 《绝望的主妇》S07E01内容回顾学习笔记
